Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - henry gordilloLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
Light coupling from active polymer layers to hybrid dielectric-plasmonic waveguides
I Suárez, EP Fitrakis, H Gordillo, P Rodriguez-Cantó, R Abargues, ...
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 6
Polymer/QDs nanocomposites for waveguiding applications
H Gordillo, I Suárez, R Abargues, P Rodríguez-Cantó, S Albert, ...
Journal of Nanomaterials 2012 (1), 960201, 2012
Mandater: Government of Spain
Color tuning and white light by dispersing CdSe, CdTe, and CdS in PMMA nanocomposite waveguides
H Gordillo, I Suárez, R Abargues, P Rodriguez-Canto, JP Martínez-Pastor
IEEE Photonics Journal 5 (2), 2201412-2201412, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
Quantum-dot double layer polymer waveguides by evanescent light coupling
H Gordillo, I Suárez, R Abargues, P Rodríguez-Cantó, G Almuneau, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 31 (15), 2515-2525, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
UV-patternable nanocomposite containing CdSe and PbS quantum dots as miniaturized luminescent chemo-sensors
PJ Rodriguez-Canto, R Abargues, H Gordillo, I Suárez, V Chirvony, ...
RSC Advances 5 (26), 19874-19883, 2015
Mandater: Government of Spain
Colloidal QDs-polymer nanocomposites
H Gordillo, I Suárez, P Rodríguez-Cantó, R Abargues, R García-Calzada, ...
Nanophotonics IV 8424, 336-346, 2012
Mandater: Government of Spain
Dielectric and plasmonic waveguides based on quantum dots embedded in polymers.
I Suárez, H Gordillo, R Abargues, P Javier Rodríguez-Cantó, S Albert, ...
Óptica pura y aplicada 46 (4), 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
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