Thermodynamic and stereochemical aspects of binding interactions between sequence-specific ligands and DNA* GV Gursky, AS Zasedatelev Sov. Sci. Rev. Physicochem. Biol. 5, 53 - 139, 1984 | 165* | 1984 |
A Code Controlling Specific Binding of Proteins to Double-Helical DNA and RNA GV Gursky, VG Tumanyan, AS Zasedatelev, AL Zhuze, SL Grokhovsky, ... Nucleic Acid–Protein Recognition, 189, 1977 | 98* | 1977 |
Quantitative estimation of the contribution of pyrrolcarboxamide groups of the antibiotic distamycin A into specificity of its binding to DNA AT pairs AS Krylov, SL Grokhovsky, AS Zasedatelev, AL Zhuze, GV Gursky, ... Nucleic Acids Research 6 (1), 289-304, 1979 | 90 | 1979 |
Binding of netropsin to DNA and synthetic polynucleotides AS Zasedatelev, GV Gursky, C Zimmer, H Thrum Molecular biology reports 1, 337-342, 1974 | 83 | 1974 |
DNA sequence recognition by bis-linked netropsin and distamycin derivatives SL Grokhovsky, AN Surovaya, G Burckhardt, VF Pismensky, BK Chernov, ... FEBS letters 439 (3), 346-350, 1998 | 80 | 1998 |
A stereochemical model of the molecular mechanism of at pair recognition upon distamycin a and netropsin binding to DNA GBP Zasedatelev AS, Zhuze AL, Zimmer K, Grokhovsky SL Dokl. Akad. SSSR 231, 1006-1009, 1976 | 80* | 1976 |
Nanomaterials for application in medicine and biology M Giersig, GB Khomutov Springer, 2008 | 75 | 2008 |
Binding of Hoechst 33258 and its derivatives to DNA NP Bazhulina, AM Nikitin, SA Rodin, AN Surovaya, YV Kravatsky, ... Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 26 (6), 701-718, 2009 | 74 | 2009 |
A new type of AT-specific ligand constructed of two netropsin-like molecules AA Khorlin, AS Krylov, SL Grokhovsky, AL Zhuze, AS Zasedatelev, ... FEBS Lett 118 (2), 311-314, 1980 | 72 | 1980 |
Theory of one-dimensional absorption. II. Adsorption of small molecules on a heteropolymer. GV Gurskii, AS Zasedatelev, MV Vol'kenshtein Molecular biology 6 (4), 385, 1972 | 71* | 1972 |
[Exact relationships for calculating the binding of regulatory proteins and other lattice ligands in double-stranded polynucleotides] GV Gurskiĭ, AS Zasedatelev Biofizika 23 (5), 932-946, 1977 | 54* | 1977 |
A code governing specific binding of regulatory proteins to DNA and structure of stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins GV Gurskiĭ, VG Tumanian, AS Zasedatelev, AL Zhuze, SL Grokhovskiĭ, ... Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 9 (5), 635-651, 1975 | 51* | 1975 |
Theory of one-dimensional adsorption. I. Adsorption of small molecules on a homopolymer. AS Zasedatelev, GV Gurskii, MV Volkenstein Molecular biology 5 (2), 194-198, 1970 | 51 | 1970 |
ТЕРМОДИНАМИЧЕСКИЕ МОДЕЛИ СВЯЗВАНИЯ ЛИГАНДОВ С НУКЛЕИНОВЫМИ КИСЛОТАМИ ЮД Нечипуренко, ГВ Гурский Биофизика 48 (5), 773-796, 2003 | 50* | 2003 |
Cooperative effects on binding of proteins to DNA YD Nechipurenko, GV Gursky Biophysical chemistry 24 (3), 195-209, 1986 | 48 | 1986 |
Design of sequence-specific DNA binding ligands that use a two-stranded peptide motif for DNA sequence recognition VA Nikolaev, SL Grokhovsky, AN Surovaya, TA Leinsoo, NY Sidonova, ... Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 14 (1), 31-47, 1996 | 47 | 1996 |
Hairpin polyamides that use parallel and antiparallel side-by-side peptide motifs in binding to DNA AN Surovaya, G Burckhardt, SL Grokhovsky, E Birch-Hirschfeld, ... Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 14 (5), 595-606, 1997 | 43 | 1997 |
On the structure of distamycin-type antibiotics and actinomycin D complexes with DNA: New experimental data on antibiotic localization in the minor DNA groove AM Kolchinsky, AD Mirzabekov, AS Zasedatelev, GV Gursky, AL Zhuze, ... Mol. Biol 9, 19-27, 1975 | 41* | 1975 |
Специфическое расшепление ДHК аналогом нетропсина, содержащим хелатируюший ион меди (II) пептид Gly-Gly-His ВЕЗ СЛ Гроховский, ВА Николаев Молекул. биол, 1992 | 40* | 1992 |
Cooperation effects in binding of large ligands to DNA. II. Contact interactions between adsorbed ligands ID Nechipurenko Molekuliarnaia biologiia 18 (4), 1066-1080, 1984 | 40* | 1984 |