Effect of Structural Parameters on Superconductivity in Fluorine-Free LnFeAsO1-y (Ln = La, Nd) CH Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, H Kito, M Teresa Fernandez-Diaz, T Ito, K Kihou, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (8), 083704, 2008
762 2008 New-Structure-Type Fe-Based Superconductors: CaA Fe4 As4 (A = K, Rb, Cs) and SrA Fe4 As4 (A = Rb, Cs) A Iyo, K Kawashima, T Kinjo, T Nishio, S Ishida, H Fujihisa, Y Gotoh, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (10), 3410-3415, 2016
317 2016 Octet-line node structure of superconducting order parameter in KFe2As2 K Okazaki, Y Ota, Y Kotani, W Malaeb, Y Ishida, T Shimojima, T Kiss, ...
Science 337 (6100), 1314-1317, 2012
313 2012 Evidence for superconducting gap nodes in the zone-centered hole bands of from magnetic penetration-depth measurements K Hashimoto, A Serafin, S Tonegawa, R Katsumata, R Okazaki, T Saito, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (1), 014526, 2010
275 2010 Structural Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in Iron-Based Superconductor Ba(Fe1-x Cox )2 As2 M Yoshizawa, D Kimura, T Chiba, S Simayi, Y Nakanishi, K Kihou, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (2), 024604, 2012
245 2012 Anisotropic energy gaps of iron-based superconductivity from intraband quasiparticle interference in LiFeAs MP Allan, AW Rost, AP Mackenzie, Y Xie, JC Davis, K Kihou, CH Lee, ...
Science 336 (6081), 563-567, 2012
234 2012 Unprecedented anisotropic metallic state in undoped iron arsenide BaFe2As2 revealed by optical spectroscopy M Nakajima, T Liang, S Ishida, Y Tomioka, K Kihou, CH Lee, A Iyo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (30), 12238-12242, 2011
234 2011 Universal Heat Conduction in the Iron Arsenide Superconductor : <?format ?>Evidence of a -Wave State JP Reid, MA Tanatar, A Juneau-Fecteau, RT Gordon, SR de Cotret, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (8), 087001, 2012
223 2012 Possible multiple gap superconductivity with line nodes in heavily hole-doped superconductor KFe2As2 studied by 75As nuclear quadrupole resonance and specific heat H Fukazawa, Y Yamada, K Kondo, T Saito, Y Kohori, K Kuga, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (8), 083712-083712, 2009
196 2009 Evolution of the optical spectrum with doping in M Nakajima, S Ishida, K Kihou, Y Tomioka, T Ito, Y Yoshida, CH Lee, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 104528, 2010
177 2010 Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Iron-Based Superconductor KFe2 As2 Synthesized by KAs Flux Method K Kihou, T Saito, S Ishida, M Nakajima, Y Tomioka, H Fukazawa, Y Kohori, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79 (12), 124713, 2010
151 2010 Fermi Surface and Mass Enhancement in KFe2 As2 from de Haas–van Alphen Effect Measurements T Terashima, M Kimata, N Kurita, H Satsukawa, A Harada, K Hazama, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79 (5), 053702, 2010
145 2010 75As NMR study of hole-doped superconductor Ba1− xKxFe2As2 (Tc\\simeq38 K) H Fukazawa, T Yamazaki, K Kondo, Y Kohori, N Takeshita, PM Shirage, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (3), 033704-033704, 2009
142 2009 Electronic reconstruction through the structural and magnetic transitions in detwinned NaFeAs M Yi, DH Lu, RG Moore, K Kihou, CH Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, T Yoshida, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (7), 073019, 2012
140 2012 Strong-coupling spin-singlet superconductivity with multiple full gaps in hole-doped Ba0. 6K0. 4Fe2As2 probed by 57Fe-NMR M Yashima, H Nishimura, H Mukuda, Y Kitaoka, K Miyazawa, PM Shirage, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (10), 103702-103702, 2009
137 2009 Inverse Iron Isotope Effect on the Transition Temperature of the Superconductor PM Shirage, K Kihou, K Miyazawa, CH Lee, H Kito, H Eisaki, ...
Physical review letters 103 (25), 257003, 2009
125 2009 Pseudogap formation above the superconducting dome in iron pnictides T Shimojima, T Sonobe, W Malaeb, K Shinada, A Chainani, S Shin, ...
Physical Review B 89 (4), 045101, 2014
119 2014 Appearance of pressure-induced superconductivity in under hydrostatic conditions and its extremely high sensitivity to uniaxial stress T Yamazaki, N Takeshita, R Kobayashi, H Fukazawa, Y Kohori, K Kihou, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (22), 224511, 2010
118 2010 Superconductivity above 50 K in Ln FeAsO1-y (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy) Synthesized by High-Pressure Technique K Miyazawa, K Kihou, P M. Shirage, CH Lee, H Kito, H Eisaki, A Iyo
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (3), 034712, 2009
116 2009 Anisotropy of the In-Plane Resistivity of Underdoped Superconductors Induced by Impurity Scattering in the Antiferromagnetic Orthorhombic Phase S Ishida, M Nakajima, T Liang, K Kihou, CH Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (20), 207001, 2013
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