Electric currents couple spatially separated biogeochemical processes in marine sediment LP Nielsen, N Risgaard-Petersen, H Fossing, PB Christensen, M Sayama Nature 463 (7284), 1071-1074, 2010 | 624 | 2010 |
Effects of salinity on NH4 + adsorption capacity, nitrification, and denitrification in Danish estuarine sediments S Rysgaard, P Thastum, T Dalsgaard, PB Christensen, NP Sloth Estuaries 22, 21-30, 1999 | 522 | 1999 |
Seasonal variation in nitrification and denitrification in estuarine sediment colonized by benthic microalgae and bioturbating infauna S Rysgaard, PB Christensen, LP Nielsen Marine Ecology Progress Series 126, 111-121, 1995 | 372 | 1995 |
Long‐term changes and impacts of hypoxia in Danish coastal waters DJ Conley, J Carstensen, G Ærtebjerg, PB Christensen, T Dalsgaard, ... Ecological Applications 17 (sp5), S165-S184, 2007 | 369 | 2007 |
Sediment mineralization, nutrient fluxes, denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in an estuarine fjord with sea cage trout farms PB Christensen, S Rysgaard, NP Sloth, T Dalsgaard, S Schwærter Aquatic microbial ecology 21 (1), 73-84, 2000 | 359 | 2000 |
Denitrification in nitrate‐rich streams: Diurnal and seasonal variation related to benthic oxygen metabolism PB Christensen, LP Nielsen, J Sørensen, NP Revsbech Limnology and Oceanography 35 (3), 640-651, 1990 | 359 | 1990 |
Denitrification measurements in aquatic sediments: a comparison of three methods SP Seitzinger, LP Nielsen, J Caffrey, PB Christensen Biogeochemistry 23, 147-167, 1993 | 347 | 1993 |
Impacts of longline mussel farming on oxygen and nitrogen dynamics and biological communities of coastal sediments PB Christensen, RN Glud, T Dalsgaard, P Gillespie Aquaculture 218 (1-4), 567-588, 2003 | 289 | 2003 |
Comparison of isotope pairing and N2:Ar methods for measuring sediment denitrification—Assumption, modifications, and implications BD Eyre, S Rysgaard, T Dalsgaard, PB Christensen Estuaries 25, 1077-1087, 2002 | 277 | 2002 |
Inorganic carbon transport during sea ice growth and decay: A carbon pump in polar seas S Rysgaard, RN Glud, MK Sejr, J Bendtsen, PB Christensen Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C3), 2007 | 274 | 2007 |
The decline of Iranshahr: irrigation and environments in the history of the Middle East, 500 BC to AD 1500 P Christensen Museum Tusculanum Press, 1993 | 228 | 1993 |
Seasonal carbon and nutrient mineralization in a high-Arctic coastal marine sediment, Young Sound, Northeast Greenland S Rysgaard, B Thamdrup, N Risgaard-Petersen, H Fossing, P Berg, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 175, 261-276, 1998 | 223 | 1998 |
Denitrification and oxygen respiration in biofilms studied with a microsensor for nitrous oxide and oxygen LP Nielsen, PB Christensen, NP Revsbech, J Sørensen Microbial Ecology 19, 63-72, 1990 | 218 | 1990 |
Temporal variation of denitrification activity in plant-covered, littoral sediment from Lake Hampen, Denmark PB Christensen, J Sørensen Applied and Environmental Microbiology 51 (6), 1174-1179, 1986 | 205 | 1986 |
Microzonation of denitrification activity in stream sediments as studied with a combined oxygen and nitrous oxide microsensor PB Christensen, LP Nielsen, NP Revsbech Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55 (5), 1234-1241, 1989 | 188 | 1989 |
Denitrification and photosynthesis in stream sediment studied with microsensor and wholecore techniques LP Nielsen, P Bondo Christensen, NP Revsbech, J Sørensen Limnology and Oceanography 35 (5), 1135-1144, 1990 | 182 | 1990 |
Combined oxygen and nitrous oxide microsensor for denitrification studies NP Revsbech, LP Nielsen, PB Christensen, J Sørensen Applied and environmental microbiology 54 (9), 2245-2249, 1988 | 167 | 1988 |
Means of rapid eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) recolonisation in former dieback areas TM Greve, D Krause-Jensen, MB Rasmussen, PB Christensen Aquatic Botany 82 (2), 143-156, 2005 | 157 | 2005 |
Temporal and spatial variation in nitrogen fixation activity in the eelgrass Zostera marina rhizosphere KJ McGlathery, N Risgaard-Petersen, PB Christensen Marine Ecology Progress Series 168, 245-258, 1998 | 157 | 1998 |
Seasonal sea ice cover as principal driver of spatial and temporal variation in depth extension and annual production of kelp in Greenland D Krause‐Jensen, N Marbà, B Olesen, MK Sejr, PB Christensen, ... Global Change Biology 18 (10), 2981-2994, 2012 | 150 | 2012 |