Anna Bugge
Anna Bugge
Senior Researcher, University College Copenhagen
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Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128· 9 million …
L Abarca-Gómez, ZA Abdeen, ZA Hamid, NM Abu-Rmeileh, ...
The lancet 390 (10113), 2627-2642, 2017
Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128· 9 million …
MS Pednekar, J Jóźwiak, P Kolsteren, A Giwercman, K Van-Herck, ...
Elsevier, 2017
Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants
T Stocks, C Sabanayagam, M Ezzati, KM Rao, TFR de Wit, D Khalili, ...
Elsevier, 2016
Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19· 1 million participants
B Zhou, J Bentham, M Di Cesare, H Bixby, G Danaei, MJ Cowan, ...
The Lancet 389 (10064), 37-55, 2017
Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants
MS Pednekar, R Beaglehole, P Kolsteren, R Al Woyatan, H Bettiol, ...
Elsevier, 2017
Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults
H Bixby, J Bentham, B Zhou, M Di Cesare, CJ Paciorek, JE Bennett, ...
Nature 569 (7755), 2019
The Copenhagen Consensus Conference 2016: children, youth, and physical activity in schools and during leisure time
J Bangsbo, P Krustrup, J Duda, C Hillman, LB Andersen, M Weiss, ...
Br J Sports Med 50 (19), 1177-1178, 2016
Physical activity intensity, bout-duration, and cardiometabolic risk markers in children and adolescents
J Tarp, A Child, T White, K Westgate, A Bugge, A Grøntved, ...
International Journal of Obesity 42 (9), 1639, 2018
Physical activity and motor competence present a positive reciprocal longitudinal relationship across childhood and early adolescence
RA Lima, K Pfeiffer, LR Larsen, A Bugge, NC Moller, LB Anderson, ...
Journal of Physical activity and Health 14 (6), 440-447, 2017
A new approach to define and diagnose cardiometabolic disorder in children
LB Andersen, JB Lauersen, JC Brønd, SA Anderssen, LB Sardinha, ...
Journal of diabetes research 2015, 2015
Effectiveness of a school-based physical activity intervention on cognitive performance in Danish adolescents: lcomotion—learning, cognition and motion–a cluster randomized …
J Tarp, SL Domazet, K Froberg, CH Hillman, LB Andersen, A Bugge
PLoS One 11 (6), e0158087, 2016
Associations of adiposity and aerobic fitness with executive function and math performance in Danish adolescents
T Huang, J Tarp, SL Domazet, AK Thorsen, K Froberg, LB Andersen, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 167 (4), 810-815, 2015
The longitudinal relationship between motor competence and measures of fatness and fitness from childhood into adolescence
RA Lima, A Bugge, AK Ersbøll, DF Stodden, LB Andersen
Jornal de pediatria, 2018
The association between physical activity, physical fitness and development of metabolic disorders
LB Andersen, A Bugge, M Dencker, S Eiberg, B El-Naaman
International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 6 (sup1), 29-34, 2011
Effects of a three-year intervention: the Copenhagen School Child Intervention Study
A Bugge, B El-Naaman, M Dencker, K Froberg, IMK Holme, RG McMurray, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 44 (7), 1310-1317, 2012
Tracking of clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors from childhood to adolescence
A Bugge, B El-Naaman, RG McMurray, K Froberg, LB Andersen
Pediatric research 73 (2), 245, 2013
Associations between aerobic fitness and cognitive control in adolescents
DR Westfall, AK Gejl, J Tarp, N Wedderkopp, AF Kramer, CH Hillman, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2018
Objectively measured daily physical activity related to aerobic fitness in young children
M Dencker, A Bugge, B Hermansen, LB Andersen
Journal of Sports Sciences 28 (2), 139-145, 2010
Inter-relationships among physical activity, body fat, and motor performance in 6-to 8-year-old Danish children
KM Morrison, A Bugge, B El-Naaman, JC Eisenmann, K Froberg, ...
Pediatric exercise science 24 (2), 199-209, 2012
School playground facilities as a determinant of children’s daily activity: a cross-sectional study of Danish primary school children
G Nielsen, A Bugge, B Hermansen, J Svensson, LB Andersen
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 9 (1), 104-114, 2012
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