Optimizing energy consumption for data centers H Rong, H Zhang, S Xiao, C Li, C Hu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58, 674-691, 2016
443 2016 Privacy preserving ranked multi-keyword search for multiple data owners in cloud computing W Zhang, Y Lin, S Xiao, J Wu, S Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (5), 1566-1577, 2015
235 2015 Efficient and secure decision tree classification for cloud-assisted online diagnosis services J Liang, Z Qin, S Xiao, L Ou, X Lin
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (4), 1632-1644, 2019
182 2019 3D face recognition: a survey S Zhou, S Xiao
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 8 (1), 35, 2018
147 2018 Secure ranked multi-keyword search for multiple data owners in cloud computing W Zhang, S Xiao, Y Lin, T Zhou, S Zhou
2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP international conference on dependable systems …, 2014
113 2014 A secure energy routing mechanism for sharing renewable energy in smart microgrid T Zhu, S Xiao, Y Ping, D Towsley, W Gong
2011 IEEE international conference on smart grid communications …, 2011
96 2011 Secure wireless communication with dynamic secrets S Xiao, W Gong, D Towsley
INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 1-9, 2010
93 2010 A Dynamic Secret-Based Encryption Scheme for Smart Grid Wireless Communication T Liu, Y Liu, Y Mao, Y Sun, X Guan, W Gong, S Xiao
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82 2013 Mobility Can Help: Protect User Identity with Dynamic Credential S Xiao, W Gong
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69 2010 Privacy-preserving range query over multi-source electronic health records in public clouds J Liang, Z Qin, S Xiao, J Zhang, H Yin, K Li
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63 2020 ides: Incentive-driven distributed energy sharing in sustainable microgrids W Zhong, Z Huang, T Zhu, Y Gu, Q Zhang, P Yi, D Jiang, S Xiao
International Green Computing Conference, 1-10, 2014
50 2014 Emergent technologies in big data sensing: a survey T Zhu, S Xiao, Q Zhang, Y Gu, P Yi, Y Li
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (10), 902982, 2015
49 2015 Malware variant detection using opcode image recognition with small training sets J Zhang, Z Qin, H Yin, L Ou, S Xiao, Y Hu
2016 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2016
45 2016 Cooperative data reduction in wireless sensor network S Zhang, Q Zhang, S Xiao, T Zhu, Y Gu, Y Lin
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 14 (4), 1-26, 2015
34 2015 Chatbot application on cryptocurrency Q Xie, D Tan, T Zhu, Q Zhang, S Xiao, J Wang, B Li, L Sun, P Yi
2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering …, 2019
26 2019 Privacy and Integrity Preserving Top- Query Processing for Two-Tiered Sensor Networks R Li, AX Liu, S Xiao, H Xu, B Bruhadeshwar, AL Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (4), 2334-2346, 2017
26 2017 Secure distributed keyword search in multiple clouds W Zhang, Y Lin, S Xiao, Q Liu, T Zhou
2014 IEEE 22nd international symposium of quality of service (IWQoS), 370-379, 2014
26 2014 Fingerprint-free tracking with dynamic enhanced field division Q Zhang, Z Zhou, W Xu, J Qi, C Guo, P Yi, T Zhu, S Xiao
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2785-2793, 2015
25 2015 EEP2P: An energy-efficient and economy-efficient P2P network protocol Z Zhou, M Xie, T Zhu, W Xu, P Yi, Z Huang, Q Zhang, S Xiao
International Green Computing Conference, 1-6, 2014
23 2014 A dominating error region strategy for improving the bit-flipping LDPC decoder of SSDs Y Hu, S Song, S Xiao, Q Xu, N Xiao, Z Qin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 62 (6), 578-582, 2015
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