Brain mechanisms supporting the modulation of pain by mindfulness meditation F Zeidan, KT Martucci, RA Kraft, NS Gordon, JG McHaffie, RC Coghill Journal of Neuroscience 31 (14), 5540-5548, 2011 | 959 | 2011 |
The effects of brief mindfulness meditation training on experimentally induced pain F Zeidan, NS Gordon, J Merchant, P Goolkasian The Journal of Pain 11 (3), 199-209, 2010 | 566 | 2010 |
Effects of brief and sham mindfulness meditation on mood and cardiovascular variables F Zeidan, SK Johnson, NS Gordon, P Goolkasian The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 16 (8), 867-873, 2010 | 481 | 2010 |
Expression of c-fos gene activation during rough and tumble play in juvenile rats NS Gordon, S Kollack-Walker, H Akil, J Panksepp Brain research bulletin 57 (5), 651-659, 2002 | 195 | 2002 |
Socially-induced brain ‘fertilization’: play promotes brain derived neurotrophic factor transcription in the amygdala and dorsolateral frontal cortex in juvenile rats NS Gordon, S Burke, H Akil, SJ Watson, J Panksepp Neuroscience letters 341 (1), 17-20, 2003 | 189 | 2003 |
Modeling ADHD-type arousal with unilateral frontal cortex damage in rats and beneficial effects of play therapy J Panksepp, J Burgdorf, C Turner, N Gordon Brain and Cognition 52 (1), 97-105, 2003 | 183 | 2003 |
Right-lateralized pain processing in the human cortex: an FMRI study LL Symonds, NS Gordon, JC Bixby, MM Mande Journal of neurophysiology 95 (6), 3823-3830, 2006 | 172 | 2006 |
A replication and extension of the PEERS® for young adults social skills intervention: Examining effects on social skills and social anxiety in young adults with autism … AJ McVey, BK Dolan, KS Willar, S Pleiss, JS Karst, CL Casnar, C Caiozzo, ... Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 3739-3754, 2016 | 146 | 2016 |
The role of loneliness as a mediator between autism features and mental health among autistic young adults HK Schiltz, AJ McVey, B Dolan Wozniak, AD Haendel, R Stanley, A Arias, ... Autism 25 (2), 545-555, 2021 | 96 | 2021 |
Profiles of emotion regulation: Understanding regulatory patterns and the implications for posttraumatic stress SA Chesney, NS Gordon Cognition and emotion 31 (3), 598-606, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
Empathy and the action-perception resonances of basic socio-emotional systems of the brain J Panksepp, N Gordon, J Burgdorf Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1), 43-44, 2002 | 49 | 2002 |
The instinctual basis of human affect: Affective imaging of laughter and crying J Panksepp, N Gordon Consciousness & Emotion 4 (2), 197-205, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Thinking positively: Optimism and emotion regulation predict interpretation of ambiguous information NS Gordon, SA Chesney, K Reiter Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1195068, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Establishment and replication of emotion regulation profiles: implications for psychological health SA Chesney, SC Timmer-Murillo, NS Gordon Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 32 (3), 329-345, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Interactive gaming reduces experimental pain with or without a head mounted display NS Gordon, J Merchant, C Zanbaka, LF Hodges, P Goolkasian Computers in Human Behavior 27 (6), 2123-2128, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Treatment of ADHD with methylphenidate may sensitize brain substrates of desire: Implications for changes in drug abuse potential from an animal model J Panksepp, J Burgdorf, N Gordon, C Turner Consciousness & Emotion 3 (1), 7-19, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Towards a genetics of joy: Breeding rats for “laughter” J PANKSEPP, J BURGDORF, N GORDON Emotions, qualia, and consciousness, 124-136, 2001 | 23 | 2001 |
Spielen und Lernen M Spitzer Nervenheilkunde 27 (05), 458-462, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
The instinctual basis of human affect: Affective and fMRI imaging of laughter and crying NS Gordon, J Panksepp, M Dennis, J McSweeny Neuropsychoanalysis 7 (2), 215-217, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
Implicit emotion regulation: A novel method for capturing individual differences in acute emotion regulation SC Timmer-Murillo, KJ Kangas, NS Gordon Personality and Individual Differences 163, 110067, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |