Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Jorge GoncalvesLes mer
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 73
An interpretable mortality prediction model for COVID-19 patients
L Yan, HT Zhang, J Goncalves, Y Xiao, M Wang, Y Guo, C Sun, X Tang, ...
Nature machine intelligence 2 (5), 283-288, 2020
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
EARLY FLOWERING4 Recruitment of EARLY FLOWERING3 in the Nucleus Sustains the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock
E Herrero, E Kolmos, N Bujdoso, Y Yuan, M Wang, MC Berns, H Uhlworm, ...
The Plant Cell 24 (2), 428-443, 2012
Mandater: German Research Foundation
PaCER-A fully automated method for electrode trajectory and contact reconstruction in deep brain stimulation
A Husch, MV Petersen, P Gemmar, J Goncalves, F Hertel
NeuroImage: Clinical 17, 80-89, 2018
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Data driven discovery of cyber physical systems
Y Yuan, X Tang, W Zhou, W Pan, X Li, HT Zhang, H Ding, J Goncalves
Nature communications 10 (1), 4894, 2019
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Decentralised minimum-time consensus
Y Yuan, GB Stan, L Shi, M Barahona, J Goncalves
Automatica 49 (5), 1227-1235, 2013
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Koopman-based lifting techniques for nonlinear systems identification
A Mauroy, J Goncalves
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (6), 2550-2565, 2019
Mandater: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Luxembourg National Research …
A sparse Bayesian approach to the identification of nonlinear state-space systems
W Pan, Y Yuan, J Gonçalves, GB Stan
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (1), 182-187, 2015
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Almost Global Consensus on the -Sphere
J Markdahl, J Thunberg, J Gonçalves
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (6), 1664-1675, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers: results from a mass screening programme in Luxembourg
P Wilmes, J Zimmer, J Schulz, F Glod, L Veiber, L Mombaerts, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 4, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Sparse network identifiability via compressed sensing
D Hayden, YH Chang, J Goncalves, CJ Tomlin
Automatica 68, 9-17, 2016
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
Gene regulatory network inference from sparsely sampled noisy data
A Aalto, L Viitasaari, P Ilmonen, L Mombaerts, J Gonçalves
Nature communications 11 (1), 3493, 2020
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Bimodal and hysteretic expression in mammalian cells from a synthetic gene circuit
T May, L Eccleston, S Herrmann, H Hauser, J Goncalves, D Wirth
Plos one 3 (6), e2372, 2008
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Shape-aware surface reconstruction from sparse 3D point-clouds
F Bernard, L Salamanca, J Thunberg, A Tack, D Jentsch, H Lamecker, ...
Medical image analysis 38, 77-89, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund, Federal Ministry of Education and …
Robust stability analysis of active voltage control for high-power IGBT switching by Kharitonov's theorem
X Yang, Y Yuan, Z Long, J Goncalves, PR Palmer
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (3), 2584-2595, 2015
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Online fault diagnosis for nonlinear power systems
W Pan, Y Yuan, H Sandberg, J Gonçalves, GB Stan
Automatica 55, 27-36, 2015
Mandater: Swedish Research Council, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
FastField: An open-source toolbox for efficient approximation of deep brain stimulation electric fields
M Baniasadi, D Proverbio, J Gonçalves, F Hertel, A Husch
Neuroimage 223, 117330, 2020
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Network identifiability from intrinsic noise
D Hayden, Y Yuan, J Gonçalves
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 3717-3728, 2016
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Model-based assessment of COVID-19 epidemic dynamics by wastewater analysis
D Proverbio, F Kemp, S Magni, L Ogorzaly, HM Cauchie, J Gonçalves, ...
Science of the Total Environment 827, 154235, 2022
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Modelling COVID-19 dynamics and potential for herd immunity by vaccination in Austria, Luxembourg and Sweden
F Kemp, D Proverbio, A Aalto, L Mombaerts, AF d’Hérouël, A Husch, ...
Journal of Theoretical Biology 530, 110874, 2021
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Differential effects of day/night cues and the circadian clock on the barley transcriptome
LM Müller, L Mombaerts, A Pankin, SJ Davis, AAR Webb, J Goncalves, ...
Plant Physiology 183 (2), 765-779, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
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