Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Anna-Karin TornbergLes mer
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On diffuse interface modeling and simulation of surfactants in two-phase fluid flow
S Engblom, M Do-Quang, G Amberg, AK Tornberg
Communications in Computational Physics 14 (4), 879-915, 2013
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
A fast integral equation method for solid particles in viscous flow using quadrature by expansion
L af Klinteberg, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 326, 420-445, 2016
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Fast Ewald summation for Stokesian particle suspensions
L Af Klinteberg, AK Tornberg
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76 (10), 669-698, 2014
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
A highly accurate boundary integral equation method for surfactant-laden drops in 3D
C Sorgentone, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 360, 167-191, 2018
Mandater: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
An accurate integral equation method for simulating multi-phase Stokes flow
R Ojala, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 298, 145-160, 2015
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Fast Ewald summation for free-space Stokes potentials
L af Klinteberg, DS Shamshirgar, AK Tornberg
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 4 (1), 1, 2017
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Error estimation for quadrature by expansion in layer potential evaluation
L Klinteberg, AK Tornberg
Advances in Computational Mathematics 43, 195-234, 2017
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Adaptive quadrature by expansion for layer potential evaluation in two dimensions
L af Klinteberg, AK Tornberg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (3), A1225-A1249, 2018
Mandater: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
A local target specific quadrature by expansion method for evaluation of layer potentials in 3D
M Siegel, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 364, 365-392, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
A 3D boundary integral method for the electrohydrodynamics of surfactant-covered drops
C Sorgentone, AK Tornberg, PM Vlahovska
Journal of Computational Physics 389, 111-127, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council
The Ewald sums for singly, doubly and triply periodic electrostatic systems
AK Tornberg
Advances in Computational Mathematics 42, 227-248, 2016
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Partition of unity extension of functions on complex domains
F Fryklund, E Lehto, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 375, 57-79, 2018
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
An integral equation–based numerical method for the forced heat equation on complex domains
F Fryklund, MCA Kropinski, AK Tornberg
Advances in Computational Mathematics 46, 1-36, 2020
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Swedish …
Simulation and validation of surfactant-laden drops in two-dimensional Stokes flow
S Pålsson, M Siegel, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 386, 218-247, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
An explicit Eulerian method for multiphase flow with contact line dynamics and insoluble surfactant
L af Klinteberg, D Lindbo, AK Tornberg
Computers & Fluids 101, 50-63, 2014
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Fast Ewald summation for Stokes flow with arbitrary periodicity
J Bagge, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 493, 112473, 2023
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Quadrature error estimates for layer potentials evaluated near curved surfaces in three dimensions
L af Klinteberg, C Sorgentone, AK Tornberg
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 111, 1-19, 2022
Mandater: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Highly accurate special quadrature methods for Stokesian particle suspensions in confined geometries
J Bagge, AK Tornberg
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93 (7), 2175-2224, 2021
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
An accurate integral equation method for Stokes flow with piecewise smooth boundaries
L Bystricky, S Pålsson, AK Tornberg
BIT Numerical Mathematics 61 (1), 309-335, 2021
Mandater: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
The Spectral Ewald method for singly periodic domains
DS Shamshirgar, AK Tornberg
Journal of Computational Physics 347, 341-366, 2017
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
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