Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Kosala RanathungeLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
Ammonium-induced architectural and anatomical changes with altered suberin and lignin levels significantly change water and solute permeabilities of rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots
K Ranathunge, L Schreiber, YM Bi, SJ Rothstein
Planta 243, 231-249, 2016
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, German Research …
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 33
Defective Pollen Wall Is Required for Anther and Microspore Development in Rice and Encodes a Fatty Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase
J Shi, H Tan, XH Yu, Y Liu, W Liang, K Ranathunge, RB Franke, ...
The Plant Cell 23 (6), 2225-2246, 2011
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Root apoplastic barriers block Na+ transport to shoots in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
P Krishnamurthy, K Ranathunge, S Nayak, L Schreiber, MK Mathew
Journal of experimental botany 62 (12), 4215-4228, 2011
Mandater: German Research Foundation
How belowground interactions contribute to the coexistence of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal species in severely phosphorus-impoverished hyperdiverse ecosystems
H Lambers, F Albornoz, L Kotula, E Laliberté, K Ranathunge, FP Teste, ...
Plant and Soil 424, 11-33, 2018
Mandater: Australian Research Council
The carboxylate‐releasing phosphorus‐mobilizing strategy can be proxied by foliar manganese concentration in a large set of chickpea germplasm under low phosphorus supply
J Pang, R Bansal, H Zhao, E Bohuon, H Lambers, MH Ryan, ...
New Phytologist 219 (2), 518-529, 2018
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Water and solute permeabilities of Arabidopsis roots in relation to the amount and composition of aliphatic suberin
K Ranathunge, L Schreiber
Journal of experimental botany 62 (6), 1961-1974, 2011
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Osmotic stress enhances suberization of apoplastic barriers in barley seminal roots: analysis of chemical, transcriptomic and physiological responses
T Kreszies, N Shellakkutti, A Osthoff, P Yu, JA Baldauf, VV Zeisler‐Diehl, ...
New Phytologist 221 (1), 180-194, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
RCN1/OsABCG5, an ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter, is required for hypodermal suberization of roots in rice (Oryza sativa)
K Shiono, M Ando, S Nishiuchi, H Takahashi, K Watanabe, M Nakamura, ...
The Plant Journal 80 (1), 40-51, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Suberized transport barriers in Arabidopsis, barley and rice roots: From the model plant to crop species
T Kreszies, L Schreiber, K Ranathunge
Journal of Plant Physiology 227, 75-83, 2018
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Mutation in Wilted Dwarf and Lethal 1 (WDL1) causes abnormal cuticle formation and rapid water loss in rice
JJ Park, P Jin, J Yoon, JI Yang, HJ Jeong, K Ranathunge, L Schreiber, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 74, 91-103, 2010
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Seminal roots of wild and cultivated barley differentially respond to osmotic stress in gene expression, suberization, and hydraulic conductivity
T Kreszies, S Eggels, V Kreszies, A Osthoff, N Shellakkutti, JA Baldauf, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 43 (2), 344-357, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council, German Research Foundation
The composite water and solute transport of barley (Hordeum vulgare) roots: effect of suberized barriers
K Ranathunge, YX Kim, F Wassmann, T Kreszies, V Zeisler, L Schreiber
Annals of botany 119 (4), 629-643, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Overexpression of the CC-type glutaredoxin, OsGRX6 affects hormone and nitrogen status in rice plants
A El-Kereamy, YM Bi, K Mahmood, K Ranathunge, MW Yaish, E Nambara, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 934, 2015
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Strategies to acquire and use phosphorus in phosphorus-impoverished and fire-prone environments
H Lambers, P de Britto Costa, GR Cawthray, MD Denton, PM Finnegan, ...
Plant and Soil 476 (1), 133-160, 2022
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Overexpression of ANAC046 Promotes Suberin Biosynthesis in Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana
K Mahmood, VV Zeisler-Diehl, L Schreiber, YM Bi, SJ Rothstein, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (24), 6117, 2019
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, German Research …
Phosphorus fractions in leaves
LDB Suriyagoda, MH Ryan, CE Gille, RLC Dayrell, PM Finnegan, ...
New Phytologist 237 (4), 1122-1135, 2023
Mandater: Australian Research Council
A cool spot in a biodiversity hotspot: why do tall Eucalyptus forests in Southwest Australia exhibit low diversity?
XM Zhou, K Ranathunge, ML Cambridge, KW Dixon, PE Hayes, M Nikolic, ...
Plant and Soil 476 (1), 669-688, 2022
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Edaphic niche characterization of four Proteaceae reveals unique calcicole physiology linked to hyper‐endemism of Grevillea thelemanniana
J Gao, F Wang, K Ranathunge, AJ Arruda, GR Cawthray, PL Clode, X He, ...
New Phytologist 228 (3), 869-883, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Role of roots in adaptation of soil-indifferent Proteaceae to calcareous soils in south-western Australia
L Kotula, PL Clode, K Ranathunge, H Lambers
Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (4), 1490-1505, 2021
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Facilitation of phosphorus acquisition by Banksia attenuata allows Adenanthos cygnorum (Proteaceae) to extend its range into severely phosphorus-impoverished …
Q Shen, K Ranathunge, H Zhong, PM Finnegan, H Lambers
Plant and Soil 496 (1), 51-70, 2024
Mandater: Australian Research Council
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