L. Antonio Vélez-Espino
L. Antonio Vélez-Espino
Pacific Biological Station
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The compadre Plant Matrix Database: an open online repository for plant demography
R Salguero‐Gómez, OR Jones, CR Archer, YM Buckley, J Che‐Castaldo, ...
Journal of Ecology 103 (1), 202-218, 2015
Unintended consequences and trade-offs of fish passage
R McLaughlin, E Smyth, T Castro-Santos, M Jones, M Koops, T Pratt, ...
Fish and Fisheries, 2012
Recovery potential assessment for lake sturgeon in Canadian designatable units
LA Vélez‐Espino, MA Koops
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (4), 1065-1090, 2009
Relating spatial and temporal scales of climate and ocean variability to survival of Pacific Northwest Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
R Sharma, LA VÉLEZ‐ESPINO, AC Wertheimer, N Mantua, RC Francis
Fisheries Oceanography 22 (1), 14-31, 2013
Inhibition of metamorphosis in tadpoles of Xenopus laevis exposed to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
GC Balch, LA Vélez-Espino, C Sweet, M Alaee, CD Metcalfe
Chemosphere 64 (2), 328-338, 2006
Characterization of elasticity patterns of North American freshwater fishes
LA Vélez-Espino, MG Fox, RL McLaughlin
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (9), 2050-2066, 2006
A synthesis of the ecological processes influencing variation in life history and movement patterns of American eel: towards a global assessment
LA Vélez-Espino, MA Koops
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 20, 163-186, 2010
Quantifying allowable harm in species at risk: application to the Laurentian black redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei)
LA Vélez‐Espino, MA Koops
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19 (6), 676-688, 2009
Salish Sea Chinook salmon exhibit weaker coherence in early marine survival trends than coastal populations
K Ruff, C.P., Anderson, J.H., Kemp, I.M., Kendall, N.W., McHugh, P., Velez ...
Fisheries Oceanography, 2017
Estimating the impacts of Chinook salmon abundance and prey removal by ocean fishing on Southern Resident killer whale population dynamics
EJ Ward, MJ Ford, RG Kope, JKB Ford, LA Vélez-Espino, CK Parken, ...
Demographic analysis of trade-offs with deliberate fragmentation of streams: Control of invasive species versus protection of native species
LA Vélez-Espino, RL McLaughlin, ML Jones, TC Pratt
Biological Conservation 144 (3), 1068-1080, 2011
Invasion dynamics of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario
LA Vélez-Espino, MA Koops, S Balshine
Biological Invasions 12, 3861-3875, 2010
Direct and indirect estimates of the productive capacity of fish habitat under Canada’s Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat: where have we been, where are we now, and …
CK Minns, RD Randall, KE Smokorowski, K Clarke, LA Vélez-Espino, ...
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68, 2204-2227, 2011
Relative importance of chinook salmon abundance on resident killer whale population growth and viability
LA Vélez‐Espino, JKB Ford, HA Araujo, G Ellis, CK Parken, R Sharma
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2494, 2014
Quantifying habitat requirements of four freshwater species at risk in Canada: northern madtom, spotted gar, lake chubsucker, and pugnose shiner
LA Vélez-Espino, RG Randall, MA Koops
DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document, 2009
Zooplankton variability in the Strait of Georgia, Canada, and relationships with the marine survivals of Chinook and Coho salmon.
BS Perry RI, Young K, Galbraith M, Chandler P, Velez-Espino A
PLoS ONE 16 (1), 2021
Capacity for increase, compensatory reserves, and catastrophes as determinants of minimum viable population in freshwater fishes
LA Vélez-Espino, M Koops
Ecological Modelling 247, 319-326, 2012
Effect of biofilm density on grazing and growth rates of Haliotis fulgens postlarvae
R Searcy-Bernal, LA Velez-Espino, C Anguiano-Beltran
Journal of Shellfish Research 20 (2), 587-592, 2001
Estimating establishment probabilities of Cladocera introduced at low density: an evaluation of the proposed ballast water discharge standards
SA Bailey, LA Velez-Espino, OE Johannsson, MA Koops, CJ Wiley
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (2), 261-276, 2009
Management inferences from a demographic analysis of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes
LA Vélez-Espino, RL McLaughlin, TC Pratt
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (2), 227-244, 2008
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