Timo Penttilä
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Soil–atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in boreal forestry-drained peatlands
P Ojanen, K Minkkinen, J Alm, T Penttilä
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (3), 411-421, 2010
Dynamics of plant‐mediated organic matter and nutrient cycling following water‐level drawdown in boreal peatlands
R Laiho, H Vasander, T Penttilä, J Laine
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (2), 2003
The current greenhouse gas impact of forestry-drained boreal peatlands
P Ojanen, K Minkkinen, T Penttilä
Forest ecology and management 289, 201-208, 2013
Disentangling direct and indirect effects of water table drawdown on above‐and belowground plant litter decomposition: consequences for accumulation of organic matter in boreal …
P Straková, T Penttilä, J Laine, R Laiho
Global Change Biology 18 (1), 322-335, 2012
Greenhouse gas flux measurements in a forestry-drained peatland indicate a large carbon sink
A Lohila, K Minkkinen, M Aurela, JP Tuovinen, T Penttilä, P Ojanen, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (11), 3203-3218, 2011
Emission factors and their uncertainty for the exchange of CO2, CH4 and N2O in Finnish managed peatlands
J Alm, NJ Shurpali, K Minkkinen, L Aro, J Hytönen, T Laurila, A Lohila, ...
FI, 2007
Heterotrophic soil respiration in forestry-drained peatlands
K Minkkinen, J Laine, NJ Shurpali, P Mäkiranta, J Alm, T Penttilä
FI, 2007
Responses of aerobic microbial communities and soil respiration to water‐level drawdown in a northern boreal fen
K Jaatinen, R Laiho, A Vuorenmaa, U Del Castillo, K Minkkinen, ...
Environmental microbiology 10 (2), 339-353, 2008
CH4 production and oxidation processes in a boreal fen ecosystem after long‐term water table drawdown
KIM Yrjälä, T Tuomivirta, H Juottonen, A Putkinen, K Lappi, ES TUITTILA, ...
Global change biology 17 (3), 1311-1320, 2011
Responses of methanogenic and methanotrophic communities to warming in varying moisture regimes of two boreal fens
K Peltoniemi, R Laiho, H Juottonen, L Bodrossy, DK Kell, K Minkkinen, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 97, 144-156, 2016
Could continuous cover forestry be an economically and environmentally feasible management option on drained boreal peatlands?
M Nieminen, H Hökkä, R Laiho, A Juutinen, A Ahtikoski, M Pearson, ...
Forest ecology and management 424, 78-84, 2018
Comparison of greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen budgets from an ombotrophic bog in Scotland and a minerotrophic sedge fen in Finland
J Drewer, A Lohila, M Aurela, T Laurila, K Minkkinen, T Penttilä, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 61 (5), 640-650, 2010
Responses of phenology and biomass production of boreal fens to climate warming under different water‐table level regimes
P Mäkiranta, R Laiho, L Mehtätalo, P Straková, J Sormunen, K Minkkinen, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (3), 944-956, 2018
Responses of N2O fluxes to temperature, water table and N deposition in a northern boreal fen
A Lohila, M Aurela, J Hatakka, M Pihlatie, K Minkkinen, T Penttilä, ...
European journal of soil science 61 (5), 651-661, 2010
Carbon dioxide and energy flux measurements in four northern-boreal ecosystems at Pallas
M Aurela, A Lohila, JP Tuovinen, J Hatakka, T Penttilä, T Laurila
Finnish Environment Institute, 2015
Warming impacts on boreal fen CO2 exchange under wet and dry conditions
AM Laine, P Mäkiranta, R Laiho, L Mehtätalo, T Penttilä, A Korrensalo, ...
Global change biology 25 (6), 1995-2008, 2019
Decomposition of Scots pine fine woody debris in boreal conditions: Implications for estimating carbon pools and fluxes
P Vávřová, T Penttilä, R Laiho
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2), 401-412, 2009
Greenhouse impact due to different peat fuel utilisation chains in Finland-a life-cycle approach
J Kirkinen, K Minkkinen, T Penttilä, S Kojola, R Sievänen, J Alm, ...
FI, 2007
Persistent carbon sink at a boreal drained bog forest
K Minkkinen, P Ojanen, T Penttilä, M Aurela, T Laurila, JP Tuovinen, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (11), 3603-3624, 2018
Greenhouse gas and energy fluxes in a boreal peatland forest after clear-cutting
M Korkiakoski, JP Tuovinen, T Penttilä, S Sarkkola, P Ojanen, ...
Biogeosciences 16, 3703-3723, 2019
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