Igor Gladskikh (Игорь Гладских)
Igor Gladskikh (Игорь Гладских)
ITMO University (Университет ИТМО)
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Evolution of the optical properties and morphology of thin metal films during growth and annealing
NB Leonov, IA Gladskikh, VA Polishchuk, TA Vartanyan
Optics and spectroscopy 119, 450-455, 2015
Self-organized plasmonic metasurfaces: The role of the Purcell effect in metal-enhanced chemiluminescence (MEC)
DR Dadadzhanov, IA Gladskikh, MA Baranov, TA Vartanyan, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 333, 129453, 2021
Fabrication and laser-assisted modification of the Ag particles ensembles supporting quadrupole plasmon oscillations
NA Toropov, IA Gladskikh, PS Parfenov, TA Vartanyan
Optical and Quantum Electronics 49, 1-8, 2017
The optical and electrical properties and resistance switching of granular films of silver on sapphire
IA Gladskikh, NB Leonov, SG Przhibel’skiĭ, TA Vartanyan
Journal of Optical Technology 81 (5), 280-284, 2014
Correlation between structural, optical, and electrical properties of self-assembled plasmonic nanostructures on the GaAs surface
PV Gladskikh, IA Gladskikh, NA Toropov, MA Baranov, TA Vartanyan
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 17, 1-6, 2015
Hybrid nanostructures of plasmonic gold nanoparticles with aC: H thin films
EA Konshina, DP Shcherbinin, MM Abboud, KV Bogdanov, IA Gladskikh, ...
Applied Surface Science 471, 652-657, 2019
Эволюция оптических свойств и морфологии тонких металлических пленок в процессах роста и отжига
НБ Леонов, ИА Гладских, ВА Полищук, ТА Вартанян
Оптика и спектроскопия 119 (3), 458-463, 2015
Absorption and photoluminescence of epitaxial quantum dots in the near field of silver nanostructures
NA Toropov, IA Gladskikh, PV Gladskikh, AN Kosarev, ...
Journal of Optical Technology 84 (7), 459-461, 2017
Fine structures and switching of electrical conductivity in labyrinth silver films on sapphire
TA Vartanyan, IA Gladskikh, NB Leonov, SG Przhibel’skii
Physics of the Solid State 56, 816-822, 2014
Тонкие структуры и переключение электропроводности в лабиринтных пленках серебра на сапфире
ТА Вартанян, ИА Гладских, НБ Леонов, СГ Пржибельский
Физика твердого тела 56 (4), 783, 2014
Conductivity and photoconductivity of granular silver films on a sapphire substrate
EV Vashchenko, IA Gladskikh, SG Przhibel’skiĭ, VV Khromov, ...
Journal of Optical Technology 80 (5), 263-268, 2013
The shift of the peak of a localized plasmon resonance in granulated gold films on the surface of aC: H
EA Konshina, DP Scherbinin, MM Abboud, IA Gladskikh
Optics and Spectroscopy 125, 290-292, 2018
Stereometric and fractal analysis of granulated silver films used in thin‐film hybrid structures
Ş Ţălu, DP Shcherbinin, EA Konshina, IA Gladskikh
Journal of Microscopy 281 (1), 46-56, 2021
Metal clusters and nanoparticles in dielectric matrices: Formation and optical properties
IA Gladskikh, TA Vartanyan
Optics and Spectroscopy 121, 851-855, 2016
The interaction of CdSe/ZnS quantum dot with plasmonic Ag nanoparticles deposited on amorphous hydrogenated carbon thin films
D Khmelevskaya, DP Shcherbinin, EA Konshina, MM Abboud, A Dubavik, ...
Optics and spectroscopy 125, 731-734, 2018
Resistance switching in Ag, Au, and Cu films at the percolation threshold
IA Gladskikh, MG Gushchin, TA Vartanyan
Semiconductors 52, 671-674, 2018
Проводимость и фотопроводимость гранулированной пленки серебра на сапфировой подложке
ЕВ Ващенко, ИА Гладских, СГ Пржибельский, ВВ Хромов, ...
Оптический журнал 80 (5), 3-10, 2013
Optical properties of nanoporous aluminum oxide activated by molecular clusters of pseudoisocyanine dye
RD Nabiullina, IY Nikitin, EO Soloveva, IA Gladskikh, AA Starovoytov
Nanophotonics IX 12131, 170-174, 2022
Epitaxial InGaAs Quantum Dots in Al0.29Ga0.71As Matrix: Intensity and Kinetics of Luminescence in the Near Field of Silver Nanoparticles
AN Kosarev, VV Chaldyshev, AA Kondikov, TA Vartanyan, NA Toropov, ...
Optics and Spectroscopy 126, 492-496, 2019
Plasmon-exciton interaction in the thin film of inhomogeneous ensemble of silver nanoparticles and cyanine J-aggregates
AA Starovoytov, RD Nabiullina, IA Gladskikh, VA Polischuk, PS Parfenov, ...
Nanophotonics VII 10672, 239-244, 2018
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