Rajiv Nigam
Rajiv Nigam
CSIR Emeritus Scientist, Former chief scientist, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India
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Holocene sea level fluctuations on Western Hndian continental margin: an update
NH Hashimi, R Nigam, RR Nair, G Rajagopalan
Journal Geological Society of India 46 (2), 157-162, 1995
Deglaciation in the tropical Indian Ocean driven by interplay between the regional monsoon and global teleconnections
R Saraswat, DW Lea, R Nigam, A Mackensen, DK Naik
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375, 166-175, 2013
Application of foraminifers in ecotoxicology: retrospect, perspect and prospect
R Nigam, R Saraswat, R Panchang
Environment International 32 (2), 273-283, 2006
A first look at past sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Indian Ocean from Mg/Ca in foraminifera
R Saraswat, R Nigam, S Weldeab, A Mackensen, PD Naidu
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (24), 2005
Effect of salinity induced pH/alkalinity changes on benthic foraminifera: A laboratory culture experiment
R Saraswat, M Kouthanker, SR Kurtarkar, R Nigam, SWA Naqvi, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 153, 96-107, 2015
Foraminifers as indicators of marine pollution: a culture experiment with Rosalina leei
R Saraswat, SR Kurtarkar, A Mazumder, R Nigam
Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 (1-2), 91-96, 2004
Benthic foraminifera as pollution indices in the marine environment of west coast of India
MGAP Setty, R Nigam
Riv Ital Paleontol S, 1984
Benthic foraminifera as proxy for oxygen-depleted conditions off the central west coast of India
R Nigam, A Mazumder, PJ Henriques, R Saraswat
The Geological Society of India, 2007
Effects of sudden stress due to heavy metal mercury on benthic foraminifer Rosalina leei: Laboratory culture experiment
R Nigam, VN Linshy, SR Kurtarkar, R Saraswat
Marine Pollution Bulletin 59 (8-12), 362-368, 2009
Response of benthic foraminifera Rosalina leei to different temperature and salinity, under laboratory culture experiment
R Nigam, SR Kurtarkar, R Saraswat, VN Linshy, SS Rana
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88 (4 …, 2008
Foraminiferal assemblages and organic carbon relationship in benthic marine ecosystem of western Indian continental shelf
MG Setty, R Nigam
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 1982
Spatial and temporal distribution of foraminifera in sediments off the central west coast of India and use of their test morphologies for the reconstruction of paleomonsoonal …
R Nigam, N Khare
Micropaleontology 45 (3), 285-303, 1999
Laboratory experiment to study the effect of salinity variations on benthic foraminiferal species-Pararotalia nipponica (Asano)
R Nigam, R Saraswat, SR Kurtarkar
Geological Society of India, 2006
Proloculus size variation in Recent benthic foraminifera: Implications for paleoclimatic studies
R Nigam, AS Rao
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 24 (5), 649-655, 1987
Foraminiferal evidences for 77-year cycles of droughts in India and its possible modulation by the Gleissberg solar cycle
R Nigam, N Khare, RR Nair
Journal of Coastal Research, 1099-1107, 1995
Can benthic foraminiferal morpho-groups be used as indicators of paleomonsoonal precipitation?
R Nigam, N Khare, DV Borole
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 34 (6), 533-542, 1992
Recent foraminifera from polluted marine environment of Velsao Beach, South Goa, India
SN Bhalla, R Nigam
Revue de Paleobiologie, 1986
Do inverted depositional sequences and allochthonous foraminifers in sediments along the Coast of Kachchh, NW India, indicate palaeostorm and/or tsunami effects?
R Nigam, SK Chaturvedi
Geo-Marine Letters 26, 42-50, 2006
Foraminifera and changing pattern of monsoon rainfall
R Nigam
Current Science, 935-937, 1993
Assessing the suitability of benthic foraminiferal morpho-groups to reconstruct paleomonsoon from Bay of Bengal
M Manasa, R Saraswat, R Nigam
Journal of Earth System Science 125, 571-584, 2016
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