In-plane charge fluctuations in bismuth-sulfide superconductors A Athauda, J Yang, S Lee, Y Mizuguchi, K Deguchi, Y Takano, O Miura, ...
Physical Review B 91 (14), 144112, 2015
68 2015 Nanoscale Atomic Distortions in the BiS2 Superconductors: Ferrodistortive Sulfur Modes A Athauda, D Louca
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88 (4), 041004, 2019
23 2019 The Crystal Structure of Superconducting LaO1−x F x BiS2 A Athauda, J Yang, B Li, Y Mizuguchi, S Lee, D Louca
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18 2015 Ferro-Lattice-Distortions and Charge Fluctuations in Superconducting LaO1− x Fx BiS2 A Athauda, C Hoffmann, S Aswartham, J Terzic, G Cao, X Zhu, Y Ren, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86 (5), 054701, 2017
15 2017 Charge Fluctuations in the NdO1− x Fx BiS2 Superconductors A Athauda, Y Mizuguchi, M Nagao, J Neuefeind, D Louca
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2023 Ferro-lattice-distortions in Bismuth Sulfide Superconductors A Athauda, D Louca, C Hoffman, Y Ren, X Zhu, S Aswartham, J Terzic, ...
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2016 Ferrodistortive lattice modes and polytypism in LaO1-x FxBiS2 superconductor A Athauda, D Louca, C Hoffman, Y Ren, X Zhu, S Aswartham, J Terzic, ...
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2016 The Crystal Structure of Superconducting LaOFBiS. A Athauda, J Yang, B Li, Y Mizuguchi, S Lee, D Louca
Journal of Superconductivity & Novel Magnetism 28 (4), 2015
2015 Charge fluctuations in a disordered superconductor, LaO F BiS A Athauda, S Lee, D Louca, Y Mizuguchi
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2015 Charge fluctuations in a disordered superconductor, LaO1-x FxBiS2 A Athauda, S Lee, D Louca, Y Mizuguchi
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2015 Nature of local distortions in newly-discovered disordered superconductor, LaO1-x Fx BiS2 A Athauda, B Li, S Yano, S Lee, D Louca, Y Mizuguchi
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