Observation of vortex pinning in Bose-Einstein condensates S Tung, V Schweikhard, EA Cornell
Physical review letters 97 (24), 240402, 2006
338 2006 Vortex-lattice dynamics in rotating spinor Bose-Einstein condensates V Schweikhard, I Coddington, P Engels, S Tung, EA Cornell
Physical review letters 93 (21), 210403, 2004
311 2004 Geometric Scaling of Efimov States in a Li 6− Cs 133 Mixture SK Tung, K Jiménez-García, J Johansen, CV Parker, C Chin
Physical Review Letters 113 (24), 240402, 2014
222 2014 Vortex proliferation in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless regime on a two-dimensional lattice of Bose-Einstein condensates V Schweikhard, S Tung, EA Cornell
Physical review letters 99 (3), 030401, 2007
199 2007 Observation of the presuperfluid regime in a two-dimensional Bose gas S Tung, G Lamporesi, D Lobser, L Xia, EA Cornell
Physical review letters 105 (23), 230408, 2010
196 2010 Observation of quantum criticality with ultracold atoms in optical lattices X Zhang, CL Hung, SK Tung, C Chin
Science 335 (6072), 1070-1072, 2012
172 2012 Extracting density–density correlations from in situ images of atomic quantum gases CL Hung, X Zhang, LC Ha, SK Tung, N Gemelke, C Chin
New Journal of Physics 13 (7), 075019, 2011
146 2011 Experimental studies of equilibrium vortex properties in a Bose-condensed gas I Coddington, PC Haljan, P Engels, V Schweikhard, S Tung, EA Cornell
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (6), 063607, 2004
140 2004 Ultracold mixtures of atomic Li and Cs with tunable interactions SK Tung, C Parker, J Johansen, C Chin, Y Wang, PS Julienne
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 010702, 2013
107 2013 Strongly interacting two-dimensional Bose gases LC Ha, CL Hung, X Zhang, U Eismann, SK Tung, C Chin
Physical review letters 110 (14), 145302, 2013
96 2013 Exploring quantum criticality based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices X Zhang, CL Hung, SK Tung, N Gemelke, C Chin
New Journal of Physics 13 (4), 045011, 2011
44 2011 Dual-species Bose-Einstein condensates of and YD Chen, WX Li, YT Sun, QC Chen, PY Chang, S Tung
Physical Review A 108 (3), 033301, 2023
10 2023 Quantum critical behavior of ultracold atoms in two-dimensional optical lattices X Zhang, CL Hung, SK Tung, C Chin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.0344, 2011
6 2011 Feshbach resonances in an ultracold Bose-Bose mixture WX Li, YD Chen, YT Sun, S Tung, PS Julienne
Physical Review A 106 (2), 023317, 2022
5 2022 Probing an interacting Bose gas in a quasi-two-dimensional trap SK Tung
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010
5 2010 Lithium-cesium slow beam from a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap YD Chen, WX Li, ME Chou, CH Kuo, CS Li, S Tung
Physical Review A 103 (2), 023102, 2021
4 2021 Experiments with linear, nonlinear, and topological excitations in a superfluid gas EA Cornell
Talk at the «Conference on Nonlinear Waves, Integrable Systems and their …, 2005
3 2005 Preparing pure Ca samples in an ion trap with photoionization and parametric excitations CH Kuo, YC Hsiao, CY Jhang, YD Chen, S Tung
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 18524, 2024
2024 Effective scheme for preparing laser-cooled Ca ions in an ion trap CH Kuo, YC Hsiao, CY Jhang, YD Chen, S Tung
2023 Towards a Dual-Species Bose-Einstein Condensate of 7 Li and 133 Cs YD Chen, WX Li, CS Li, ME Chou, SK Tung
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020