Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Luca TestiLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 13
Monitoring evapotranspiration of irrigated crops using crop coefficients derived from time series of satellite images. I. Method validation
L Mateos, MP González-Dugo, L Testi, FJ Villalobos
Agricultural water management 125, 81-91, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
A soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) model for simulating tree transpiration with a soil multi-compartment solution
O García-Tejera, Á López-Bernal, L Testi, FJ Villalobos
Plant and Soil 412, 215-233, 2017
Mandater: Government of Spain
Responses of transpiration and transpiration efficiency of almond trees to moderate water deficits
M Espadafor, F Orgaz, L Testi, IJ Lorite, V González-Dugo, E Fereres
Scientia Horticulturae 225, 6-14, 2017
Mandater: Government of Spain
Geographic distribution and aggressiveness of Harpophora maydis in the Iberian peninsula, and thermal detection of maize late wilt
CM Ortiz-Bustos, L Testi, AB García-Carneros, L Molinero-Ruiz
European Journal of Plant Pathology 144, 383-397, 2016
Mandater: Government of Spain
A dynamic model of potential growth of olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards
A Morales, PA Leffelaar, L Testi, F Orgaz, FJ Villalobos
European journal of agronomy 74, 93-102, 2016
Mandater: Government of Spain
Evapotranspiration and carbon exchange in a citrus orchard using eddy covariance
JF Maestre-Valero, L Testi, MÁ Jiménez-Bello, JR Castel, DS Intrigliolo
Irrigation Science 35, 397-408, 2017
Mandater: Government of Spain
The impact of deficit irrigation on transpiration and yield of mandarin and late oranges
V Gonzalez-Dugo, C Ruz, L Testi, F Orgaz, E Fereres
Irrigation science 36, 227-239, 2018
Mandater: Government of Spain
Almond tree response to a change in wetted soil volume under drip irrigation
M Espadafor, F Orgaz, L Testi, IJ Lorite, O García-Tejera, FJ Villalobos, ...
Agricultural Water Management 202, 57-65, 2018
Mandater: Government of Spain
Aboveground respiratory CO2 effluxes from olive trees (Olea europaea L.)
O Pérez-Priego, L Testi, AS Kowalski, FJ Villalobos, F Orgaz
Agroforestry systems 88, 245-255, 2014
Mandater: Government of Spain
Are olive root systems optimal for deficit irrigation?
O García-Tejera, Á López-Bernal, F Orgaz, L Testi, FJ Villalobos
European Journal of Agronomy 99, 72-79, 2018
Mandater: Government of Spain
Water relations in almond trees under moderate water deficits
M Espadafor, V Gonzá lez-Dugo, F Orgaz, L Testi, M López, E Fereres
VIII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops 1150, 113-118, 2015
Mandater: Government of Spain
Fractional models for measuring sap velocities in trees
I Tejado, SH HosseinNia, D Torres, BM Vinagre, Á López-Bernal, ...
ICFDA'14 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its …, 2014
Mandater: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Government of Spain
Assessment of canopy transpiration from temperature: application to almond orchards
V González-Dugo, D Moldero, M Espadafor, F Orgaz, L Testi, ...
IX International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops 1335, 263-268, 2019
Mandater: Government of Spain
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 40
Spatio-temporal patterns of chlorophyll fluorescence and physiological and structural indices acquired from hyperspectral imagery as compared with carbon fluxes measured with …
PJ Zarco-Tejada, A Morales, L Testi, FJ Villalobos
Remote Sensing of Environment 133, 102-115, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
Effects of canopy size and water stress over the crop coefficient of a “Tempranillo” vineyard in south-western Spain
J Picón-Toro, V González-Dugo, D Uriarte, LA Mancha, L Testi
Irrigation Science 30, 419-432, 2012
Mandater: Government of Spain
Modelling canopy conductance and transpiration of fruit trees in Mediterranean areas: A simplified approach
FJ Villalobos, L Testi, F Orgaz, O García-Tejera, A Lopez-Bernal, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 171, 93-103, 2013
Mandater: Government of Spain
Is new olive farming sustainable? A spatial comparison of productive and environmental performances between traditional and new olive orchards with the model OliveCan
H Mairech, Á López-Bernal, M Moriondo, C Dibari, L Regni, P Proietti, ...
Agricultural Systems 181, 102816, 2020
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Water use of irrigated almond trees when subjected to water deficits
M López-López, M Espadafor, L Testi, IJ Lorite, F Orgaz, E Fereres
Agricultural Water Management 195, 84-93, 2018
Mandater: Government of Spain
Transpiration of young almond trees in relation to intercepted radiation
M Espadafor, F Orgaz, L Testi, IJ Lorite, FJ Villalobos
Irrigation Science 33, 265-275, 2015
Mandater: Government of Spain
Sustainability of olive growing in the Mediterranean area under future climate scenarios: Exploring the effects of intensification and deficit irrigation
H Mairech, Á López-Bernal, M Moriondo, C Dibari, L Regni, P Proietti, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 129, 126319, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
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