Carole Peyrin
Carole Peyrin
Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition (CNRS UMR 5105)
Verifisert e-postadresse på univ-grenoble-alpes.fr - Startside
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The neural bases of spatial frequency processing during scene perception
L Kauffmann, S Ramanoël, C Peyrin
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 8, 37, 2014
The sensory-motor specificity of taxonomic and thematic conceptual relations: A behavioral and fMRI study
S Kalénine, C Peyrin, C Pichat, C Segebarth, F Bonthoux, M Baciu
Neuroimage 44 (3), 1152-1162, 2009
Neural dissociation of phonological and visual attention span disorders in developmental dyslexia: FMRI evidence from two case reports
C Peyrin, M Lallier, JF Demonet, C Pernet, M Baciu, JF Le Bas, S Valdois
Brain and language 120 (3), 381-394, 2012
The neural substrates and timing of top–down processes during coarse-to-fine categorization of visual scenes: A combined fMRI and ERP study
C Peyrin, CM Michel, S Schwartz, G Thut, M Seghier, T Landis, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (12), 2768-2780, 2010
Superior parietal lobule dysfunction in a homogeneous group of dyslexic children with a visual attention span disorder
C Peyrin, JF Démonet, MA N’Guyen-Morel, JF Le Bas, S Valdois
Brain and language 118 (3), 128-138, 2011
Neural correlates underlying local and global processing during visual search across adulthood
G Doucet, JA Kruse, N Hamlin, C Peyrin, N Poirel
Plos one 19 (6), e0303796, 2024
Cerebral regions and hemispheric specialization for processing spatial frequencies during natural scene recognition. An event-related fMRI study
C Peyrin, M Baciu, C Segebarth, C Marendaz
Neuroimage 23 (2), 698-707, 2004
Dyslexia in a French–Spanish bilingual girl: behavioural and neural modulations following a visual attention span intervention
S Valdois, C Peyrin, D Lassus-Sangosse, M Lallier, JF Démonet, ...
Cortex 53, 120-145, 2014
Hemispheric specialization for spatial frequency processing in the analysis of natural scenes
C Peyrin, A Chauvin, S Chokron, C Marendaz
Brain and cognition 53 (2), 278-282, 2003
Visual processing of multiple elements in the dyslexic brain: evidence for a superior parietal dysfunction
MA Lobier, C Peyrin, C Pichat, JF Le Bas, S Valdois
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 479, 2014
Role of the superior parietal lobules in letter-identity processing within strings: FMRI evidence from skilled and dyslexicreaders
C Reilhac, C Peyrin, JF Démonet, S Valdois
Neuropsychologia 51 (4), 601-612, 2013
Polysyllabic pseudo-word processing in reading and lexical decision: converging evidence from behavioral data, connectionist simulations and functional MRI
S Valdois, S Carbonnel, A Juphard, M Baciu, B Ans, C Peyrin, ...
Brain research 1085 (1), 149-162, 2006
Image phase or amplitude? Rapid scene categorization is an amplitude-based process
N Guyader, A Chauvin, C Peyrin, J Hérault, C Marendaz
Comptes Rendus Biologies 327 (4), 313-318, 2004
Auditory and visual stream segregation in children and adults: an assessment of the amodality assumption of the ‘sluggish attentional shifting’theory of dyslexia
M Lallier, G Thierry, MJ Tainturier, S Donnadieu, C Peyrin, C Billard, ...
Brain research 1302, 132-147, 2009
Spatial frequency processing in scene-selective cortical regions
L Kauffmann, S Ramanoël, N Guyader, A Chauvin, C Peyrin
NeuroImage 112, 86-95, 2015
Pre-orthographic character string processing and parietal cortex: a role for visual attention in reading?
M Lobier, C Peyrin, JF Le Bas, S Valdois
Neuropsychologia 50 (9), 2195-2204, 2012
Retinotopic and lateralized processing of spatial frequencies in human visual cortex during scene categorization
B Musel, C Bordier, M Dojat, C Pichat, S Chokron, JF Le Bas, C Peyrin
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (8), 1315-1331, 2013
Hemispheric specialization of human inferior temporal cortex during coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse analysis of natural visual scenes
C Peyrin, S Schwartz, M Seghier, C Michel, T Landis, P Vuilleumier
Neuroimage 28 (2), 464-473, 2005
Effect of temporal constraints on hemispheric asymmetries during spatial frequency processing
C Peyrin, M Mermillod, S Chokron, C Marendaz
Brain and Cognition 62 (3), 214-220, 2006
The importance of low spatial frequency information for recognising fearful facial expressions
M Mermillod, P Vuilleumier, C Peyrin, D Alleysson, C Marendaz
Connection Science 21 (1), 75-83, 2009
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