A 3-Gb/s Single-LED OFDM-Based Wireless VLC Link Using a Gallium Nitride D Tsonev, H Chun, S Rajbhandari, JJD McKendry, S Videv, E Gu, M Haji, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 26 (7), 637-640, 2014
909 2014 High bandwidth GaN-based micro-LEDs for multi-Gb/s visible light communications RXG Ferreira, E Xie, JJD McKendry, S Rajbhandari, H Chun, G Faulkner, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28 (19), 2023-2026, 2016
405 2016 A review of gallium nitride LEDs for multi-gigabit-per-second visible light data communications S Rajbhandari, JJD McKendry, J Herrnsdorf, H Chun, G Faulkner, H Haas, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 32 (2), 023001, 2017
304 2017 LED based wavelength division multiplexed 10 Gb/s visible light communications H Chun, S Rajbhandari, G Faulkner, D Tsonev, E Xie, JJD McKendry, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 34 (13), 3047-3052, 2016
276 2016 High-speed integrated visible light communication system: Device constraints and design considerations S Rajbhandari, H Chun, G Faulkner, K Cameron, AVN Jalajakumari, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (9), 1750-1757, 2015
169 2015 Visible Light Communication Using a Blue GaN LED and Fluorescent Polymer Color Converter H Chun, P Manousiadis, S Rajbhandari, DA Vithanage, G Faulkner, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (20), 2035-2038, 2014
161 2014 A wide-area coverage 35 Gb/s visible light communications link for indoor wireless applications H Chun, A Gomez, C Quintana, W Zhang, G Faulkner, D O’Brien
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4952, 2019
124 2019 Wide field-of-view fluorescent antenna for visible light communications beyond the étendue limit PP Manousiadis, S Rajbhandari, R Mulyawan, DA Vithanage, H Chun, ...
Optica 3 (7), 702-706, 2016
123 2016 A comparison of APD-and SPAD-based receivers for visible light communications L Zhang, D Chitnis, H Chun, S Rajbhandari, G Faulkner, D O'Brien, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (12), 2435-2442, 2018
119 2018 Handheld free space quantum key distribution with dynamic motion compensation H Chun, I Choi, G Faulkner, L Clarke, B Barber, G George, C Capon, ...
optics express 25 (6), 6784-6795, 2017
83 2017 Novel fast color-converter for visible light communication using a blend of conjugated polymers MT Sajjad, PP Manousiadis, H Chun, DA Vithanage, S Rajbhandari, ...
Acs Photonics 2 (2), 194-199, 2015
72 2015 Visible light communication using laser diode based remote phosphor technique H Chun, S Rajbhandari, D Tsonev, G Faulkner, H Haas, D O'brien
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), 1392-1397, 2015
70 2015 A multigigabit per second integrated multiple-input multiple-output VLC demonstrator S Rajbhandari, AVN Jalajakumari, H Chun, G Faulkner, K Cameron, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (20), 4358-4365, 2017
63 2017 Visible light communication using OLEDs: Illumination and channel modeling H Chun, CJ Chiang, DC O'Brien
2012 International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications (IWOW), 1-3, 2012
61 2012 A study of illumination and communication using organic light emitting diodes H Chun, CJ Chiang, A Monkman, D O’Brien
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (22), 3511-3517, 2013
57 2013 Fluorescent red-emitting BODIPY oligofluorene star-shaped molecules as a color converter material for visible light communications MT Sajjad, PP Manousiadis, C Orofino, D Cortizo-Lacalle, ...
Advanced Optical Materials, 2015
54 2015 Transmitter and receiver technologies for optical wireless D O'Brien, S Rajbhandari, H Chun
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2169), 20190182, 2020
53 2020 Optical antennas for wavelength division multiplexing in visible light communications beyond the étendue limit PP Manousiadis, H Chun, S Rajbhandari, DA Vithanage, R Mulyawan, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (4), 1901139, 2020
51 2020 A 200 Mb/s VLC demonstration with a SPAD based receiver D Chitnis, L Zhang, H Chun, S Rajbhandari, G Faulkner, D O'Brien, ...
2015 IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), 226-227, 2015
49 2015 Demonstration of a bi-directional visible light communication with an overall sum-rate of 110 Mb/s using LEDs as emitter and detector H Chun, S Rajbhandari, G Faulkner, D Tsonev, H Haas, D O'Brien
2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, 132-133, 2014
49 2014