Nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions: estimates of the Hausdorff measure in dimensions two and three A Logunov, E Malinnikova
50 Years with Hardy Spaces: A Tribute to Victor Havin, 333-344, 2018
74 2018 Quantitative propagation of smallness for solutions of elliptic equations A Logunov, E Malinnikova
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2018) (In 4 …, 2018
58 2018 Orthonormal sequences in L 2 (R d) and time frequency localization E Malinnikova
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 16 (6), 983-1006, 2010
56 2010 On approximation of subharmonic functions Y Lyubarskii, E Malinnikova
Journal D’Analyse MathematiQue 83 (1), 121-149, 2001
52 2001 The Landis conjecture on exponential decay A Logunov, E Malinnikova, N Nadirashvili, F Nazarov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07034, 2020
46 2020 An improvement of the Kolmogorov–Riesz compactness theorem H Hanche-Olsen, H Holden, E Malinnikova
Expositiones Mathematicae 37 (1), 84-91, 2019
38 2019 Review of Yau's conjecture on zero sets of Laplace eigenfunctions A Logunov, E Malinnikova
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01639, 2019
32 2019 Zeros of the Wigner distribution and the short-time Fourier transform K Gröchenig, P Jaming, E Malinnikova
Revista Matemática Complutense 33 (3), 723-744, 2020
30 2020 Lecture notes on quantitative unique continuation for solutions of second order elliptic equations A Logunov, E Malinnikova
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10619, 2019
28 2019 Uniqueness for discrete Schrödinger evolutions P Jaming, YI Lyubarskii, E Malinnikova, KM Perfekt
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 34 (3), 949-966, 2018
26 2018 A discrete harmonic function bounded on a large portion of is constant L Buhovsky, A Logunov, E Malinnikova, M Sodin
Duke mathematical journal 171 (6), 1349-1378, 2022
25 * 2022 On ratios of harmonic functions A Logunov, E Malinnikova
Advances in Mathematics 274, 241-262, 2015
25 2015 The sharp upper bound for the area of the nodal sets of Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions A Logunov, E Malinnikova, N Nadirashvili, F Nazarov
Geometric and Functional Analysis 31 (5), 1219-1244, 2021
23 2021 Phase space localization of Riesz bases for L2 (Rd) K Gröchenig, E Malinnikova
Rev. Mat. Iberoam 29 (1), 115-134, 2013
23 2013 Ratios of harmonic functions with the same zero set A Logunov, E Malinnikova
Geometric and Functional Analysis 26, 909-925, 2016
22 2016 Quantitative uniqueness for elliptic equations with singular lower order terms E Malinnikova, S Vessella
Mathematische Annalen 353, 1157-1181, 2012
22 2012 Propagation of smallness for solutions of generalized Cauchy–Riemann systems E Malinnikova
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 47 (1), 191-204, 2004
20 2004 On three balls theorem for discrete harmonic functions M Guadie, E Malinnikova
Computational Methods and Function Theory 14 (4), 721-734, 2014
16 2014 Dynamical versions of Hardy’s uncertainty principle: A survey A Fernández-Bertolin, E Malinnikova
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 58 (3), 357-375, 2021
14 2021 Composition operator on model spaces YI Lyubarskii, E Malinnikova
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.5172, 2012
13 2012