Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Prasanna EgodawattaLes mer
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Atmospheric deposition as a source of heavy metals in urban stormwater
J Gunawardena, P Egodawatta, GA Ayoko, A Goonetilleke
Atmospheric environment 68, 235-242, 2013
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Heavy metals transport pathways: The importance of atmospheric pollution contributing to stormwater pollution
A Liu, Y Ma, JMA Gunawardena, P Egodawatta, GA Ayoko, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 164, 696-703, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Source quantification and risk assessment as a foundation for risk management of metals in urban road deposited solids
Y Ma, S Mummullage, B Wijesiri, P Egodawatta, J McGree, GA Ayoko, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 408, 124912, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ranking the factors influencing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) build-up on urban roads
A Liu, Y Ma, K Deilami, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 139, 416-422, 2017
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Linking source characterisation and human health risk assessment of metals to rainfall characteristics
A Liu, S Mummullage, Y Ma, P Egodawatta, GA Ayoko, A Goonetilleke
Environmental Pollution 238, 866-873, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Understanding re-distribution of road deposited particle-bound pollutants using a Bayesian Network (BN) approach
A Liu, B Wijesiri, N Hong, P Zhu, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Journal of Hazardous Materials 355, 56-64, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Creating a hierarchy of hazard control for urban stormwater management
Y Ma, K Deilami, P Egodawatta, A Liu, J McGree, A Goonetilleke
Environmental Pollution 255, 113217, 2019
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ranking three water sensitive urban design (WSUD) practices based on hydraulic and water quality treatment performance: Implications for effective stormwater treatment design
A Liu, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Water 14 (8), 1296, 2022
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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