Matthis Thorade
Matthis Thorade
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IEA EBC annex 60 modelica library-an international collaboration to develop a free open-source model library for buildings and community energy systems
M Wetter, M Fuchs, P Grozman, L Helsen, F Jorissen, D Müller, ...
Proceedings of building simulation 2015, 395-402, 2015
Density and viscosity of brine: An overview from a process engineers perspective
H Francke, M Thorade
Geochemistry 70, 23-32, 2010
Partial derivatives of thermodynamic state properties for dynamic simulation
M Thorade, A Saadat
Environmental Earth Sciences 70 (8), 3497-3503, 2013
An open framework for integrated BIM-based building performance simulation using Modelica
P Remmen, J Cao, S Ebertshäuser, J Frisch, M Lauster, T Maile, ...
Proceedings of the 14th IBPSA Conference, 379-386, 2015
An open toolchain for generating Modelica code from Building Information Models
M Thorade, J Rädler, P Remmen, T Maile, R Wimmer, J Cao, M Lauster, ...
Template based code generation of Modelica building energy simulation models
C Nytsch-Geusen, A Inderfurth, W Kaul, K Mucha, J Rädler, M Thorade, ...
12th International Modelica Conference, 199--207, 2017
BuildingSystems - Eine modular hierarchische Modellbibliothek zur energetischen Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation
C Nytsch-Geusen, C Banhardt, A Inderfurth, K Mucha, J Möckel, J Rädler, ...
CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics / BauSIM 2016, 473--480, 2016
A flexible model transformation to link BIM with different Modelica libraries for building energy performance simulation
J Cao, R Wimmer, M Thorade, T Maile, J O’Donnel, J Rädler, J Frisch, ...
Proceedings of the 14th IBPSA Conference, 2015
Modelica and functional mock-up interface: Open standards for gas turbine simulation
M Sielemann, M Thorade, J Claesson, A Nguyen, X Zhao, S Sahoo, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 58608, V003T06A024, 2019
BuildingSystems_VR – A new approach for immersive and interactive building energy simulation
C Nytsch-Geusen, T Ayubi, J Möckel, J Rädler, M Thorade
15th IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, San Francisco, 628--634, 2017
BIM2Modelica-An open source toolchain for generating and simulating thermal multi-zone building models by using structured data from BIM models.
C Nytsch-Geusen, J Rädler, M Thorade, CR Tugores
Modelica, 157:003, 2019
HelmholtzMedia—A fluid properties library
M Thorade, A Saadat
Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference 10, 3384, 2012
Enhanced Steady-State in Modelon Jet Propulsion Library, an Enabler for Industrial Design Workflows
C Coïc, M Hübel, M Thorade
International Energy Agency Energy in Buildings and Communities Annex 60 Modelica Library—An International Collaboration to Develop a Free Open-Source Model Library for …
M Wetter, M Fuchs, P Grozman, L Helsen, F Jorissen, M Lauster, D Muller, ...
Proceedings of the 14th IBPSA Conference, Hyderabad, India, 7-9, 2015
Entropiebasierte Bewertungskriterien für den Wärmeübergang in Kraftwerksprozessen und ihre Relevanz für praktische Anwendungen
M Thorade
Techn. Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, 2014
Forschungskraftwerk Groß Schönebeck: Anlagenkonzept und Forschungsziele
S Kranz, A Saadat, S Frick, H Francke, M Thorade
Der Geothermie Kongress 2010 (Karlsruhe, Germany 2010), 2010
Planung, Auslegung und Betriebsoptimierung von energieeffizienten Neu-und Bestandsbauten durch Modellierung und Simulation auf Basis von Bauwerkinformationsmodellen
P Both, C Treeck, S Ebertshäuser, S Arfaoui, S Stratbücker, S Herkel, ...
Kongress ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN 2017, 2017
Eine Fundamentalgleichung mit den Variablen Entropie, Druck und Enthalpie für technische Anwendungen
M Thorade
VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium (Bayreuth 2010), 2010
Mass Conservation in Vapor Compression Cycles: A Method for Ensuring Consistency with Redundant Dynamic States
D Andersson, J Batteh, M Thorade, L Li
Modelica Conferences, 693-702, 2023
Optimierung von Plattenwärmeübertragern unter Verwendung des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Thermodynamik
M Thorade, A Saadat, H Herwig
Thermodynamik-Kolloquium (Hamburg 2013), 2013
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