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626 2003 Exchange bias in Ni4 single-molecule magnets EC Yang, W Wernsdorfer, S Hill, RS Edwards, M Nakano, S Maccagnano, ...
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214 2003 Characterisation of defects in the railhead using ultrasonic surface waves RS Edwards, S Dixon, X Jian
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187 2006 A model for pulsed Rayleigh wave and optimal EMAT design X Jian, S Dixon, KTV Grattan, RS Edwards
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160 2006 Definitive Spectroscopic Determination of the Transverse Interactions Responsible <?format ?>for the Magnetic Quantum Tunneling in -Acetate S Hill, RS Edwards, SI Jones, NS Dalal, JM North
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135 2007 Depth gauging of defects using low frequency wideband Rayleigh waves RS Edwards, S Dixon, X Jian
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130 2006 Discrete easy-axis tilting in -acetate, as determined by EPR: Implications for the magnetic quantum tunneling mechanism S Takahashi, RS Edwards, JM North, S Hill, NS Dalal
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109 2004 Dual EMAT and PEC non-contact probe: applications to defect testing RS Edwards, A Sophian, S Dixon, GY Tian, X Jian
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78 2011 Millimeter-Wave Magneto-optical Determination of the Anisotropy of the Superconducting Order Parameter in the Molecular Superconductor - JM Schrama, E Rzepniewski, RS Edwards, J Singleton, A Ardavan, ...
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75 2014 High-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance investigations of tetranuclear nickel-based single-molecule magnets RS Edwards, S Maccagnano, EC Yang, S Hill, W Wernsdorfer, ...
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