Defect‐Controlled Electronic Properties in AZn2Sb2 Zintl Phases GS Pomrehn, A Zevalkink, WG Zeier, A Van De Walle, GJ Snyder
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (13), 3422-3426, 2014
178 2014 Thermoelectric properties of Sr 3 GaSb 3–a chain-forming Zintl compound A Zevalkink, WG Zeier, G Pomrehn, E Schechtel, W Tremel, GJ Snyder
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (10), 9121-9128, 2012
173 2012 Influence of the Triel Elements (M = Al, Ga, In) on the Transport Properties of Ca5 M 2 Sb6 Zintl Compounds A Zevalkink, GS Pomrehn, S Johnson, J Swallow, ZM Gibbs, GJ Snyder
Chemistry of Materials 24 (11), 2091-2098, 2012
127 2012 Phonon Scattering through a Local Anisotropic Structural Disorder in the Thermoelectric Solid Solution Cu2 Zn1–x Fex GeSe4 WG Zeier, Y Pei, G Pomrehn, T Day, N Heinz, CP Heinrich, GJ Snyder, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2), 726-732, 2013
123 2013 Dopants effect on the band structure of PbTe thermoelectric material Y Takagiwa, Y Pei, G Pomrehn, GJ Snyder
Applied Physics Letters 101 (9), 2012
103 2012 Doping of p‐type ZnSb: Single parabolic band model and impurity band conduction PHM Böttger, GS Pomrehn, GJ Snyder, TG Finstad
physica status solidi (a) 208 (12), 2753-2759, 2011
87 2011 Ab initio study of intrinsic point defects in PbTe: an insight into phase stability S Bajaj, GS Pomrehn, JW Doak, W Gierlotka, H Wu, SW Chen, ...
Acta Materialia 92, 72-80, 2015
61 2015 Validity of rigid band approximation of PbTe thermoelectric materials Y Takagiwa, Y Pei, G Pomrehn, G Jeffrey Snyder
Apl Materials 1 (1), 2013
61 2013 Entropic stabilization and retrograde solubility in Zn Sb GS Pomrehn, ES Toberer, GJ Snyder, A Van De Walle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (9), 094106, 2011
59 2011 Thermoelectric Properties and Electronic Structure of the Zintl‐Phase Sr3 AlSb3 A Zevalkink, G Pomrehn, Y Takagiwa, J Swallow, GJ Snyder
ChemSusChem 6 (12), 2316-2321, 2013
43 2013 Predicted Electronic and Thermodynamic Properties of a Newly Discovered Zn8 Sb7 Phase GS Pomrehn, ES Toberer, GJ Snyder, A Van De Walle
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (29), 11255-11261, 2011
37 2011 Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Sr 5 In 2 Sb 6 via Zn-doping S Chanakian, A Zevalkink, U Aydemir, ZM Gibbs, G Pomrehn, JP Fleurial, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (19), 10289-10295, 2015
27 2015 Thermoelectric properties and electronic structure of the Zintl phase Sr5 In2 Sb6 and the Ca5 -xSrx In2 Sb6 solid solution A Zevalkink, S Chenakian, U Aydemir, A Ormeci, G Pomrehn, S Bux, ...
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27 (1), 015801, 2015
18 2015 Stacking fault energies of nondilute binary alloys using special quasirandom structures JL Kaufman, GS Pomrehn, A Pribram-Jones, R Mahjoub, M Ferry, ...
Physical Review B 95 (9), 094112, 2017
14 2017 Ab initio calculation of anisotropic interfacial excess free energiesA van de Walle, Q Hong, L Miljacic, CB Gopal, S Demers, G Pomrehn, ...
Physical Review B 89 (18), 184101, 2014
14 2014 First-principles investigation of structural and magnetic disorder in CuNiMnAl and CuNiMnSn Heusler alloys S Aron-Dine, GS Pomrehn, A Pribram-Jones, KJ Laws, L Bassman
Physical Review B 95 (2), 024108, 2017
9 2017 Assessing Mg–Sc–(rare earth) ternary phase stability via constituent binary cluster expansions A Soper, AL Shaw, PLJ Conway, GS Pomrehn, M Ferry, L Bassman, ...
Computational Materials Science 207, 111240, 2022
6 2022 Phase stability and defect behavior in complex thermoelectric zinc-antimonides G Pomrehn
California Institute of Technology, 2013
2 2013 Symmetry-adapted bases for the parametrization of anisotropic properties A van de Walle, CB Gopal, S Demers, Q Hong, A Kowalski, L Miljacic, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.0168, 2013
2 2013 Phase Stability of bcc MgScY via Cluster Expansion and Monte Carlo Methods A Shaw, G Pomrehn, A Pribram-Jones, P Conway, M Ferry, K Laws, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, G60. 055, 2018