Roderick Bloem
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Safe reinforcement learning via shielding
M Alshiekh, R Bloem, R Ehlers, B Könighofer, S Niekum, U Topcu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Handbook of model checking
EM Clarke, TA Henzinger, H Veith, R Bloem
Springer 10, 978-3, 2018
Synthesis of reactive (1) designs
R Bloem, B Jobstmann, N Piterman, A Pnueli, Y Saʼar
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78 (3), 911-938, 2012
Efficient Büchi automata from LTL formulae
F Somenzi, R Bloem
Computer Aided Verification: 12th International Conference, CAV 2000 …, 2000
Program repair as a game
B Jobstmann, A Griesmayer, R Bloem
Computer Aided Verification: 17th International Conference, CAV 2005 …, 2005
Better quality in synthesis through quantitative objectives
R Bloem, K Chatterjee, TA Henzinger, B Jobstmann
Computer Aided Verification: 21st International Conference, CAV 2009 …, 2009
Decidability in parameterized verification
R Bloem, S Jacobs, A Khalimov, I Konnov, S Rubin, H Veith, J Widder
ACM SIGACT News 47 (2), 53-64, 2016
Optimizations for LTL synthesis
B Jobstmann, R Bloem
2006 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, 117-124, 2006
Specify, compile, run: Hardware from PSL
R Bloem, S Galler, B Jobstmann, N Piterman, A Pnueli, M Weiglhofer
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 190 (4), 3-16, 2007
Shield synthesis: Runtime enforcement for reactive systems
R Bloem, B Könighofer, R Könighofer, C Wang
International conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and …, 2015
Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: A case study
R Bloem, S Galler, B Jobstmann, N Piterman, A Pnueli, M Weiglhofer
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2007
Safe reinforcement learning via probabilistic shields
N Jansen, B Könighofer, S Junges, AC Serban, R Bloem
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.06096, 2018
Graph games and reactive synthesis
R Bloem, K Chatterjee, B Jobstmann
Handbook of model checking, 921-962, 2018
Formal verification of masked hardware implementations in the presence of glitches
R Bloem, H Groß, R Iusupov, B Könighofer, S Mangard, J Winter
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2018: 37th Annual International Conference …, 2018
Anzu: A Tool for Property Synthesis: (Tool Paper)
B Jobstmann, S Galler, M Weiglhofer, R Bloem
Computer Aided Verification: 19th International Conference, CAV 2007, Berlin …, 2007
RATSY–a new requirements analysis tool with synthesis
R Bloem, A Cimatti, K Greimel, G Hofferek, R Könighofer, M Roveri, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 22nd International Conference, CAV 2010 …, 2010
Model-based testing IoT communication via active automata learning
M Tappler, BK Aichernig, R Bloem
2017 IEEE International conference on software testing, verification and …, 2017
Efficient decision procedures for model checking of linear time logic properties
R Bloem, K Ravi, F Somenzi
Computer Aided Verification: 11th International Conference, CAV’99 Trento …, 1999
Automated error localization and correction for imperative programs
R Könighofer, R Bloem
2011 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 91-100, 2011
An Algorithm for Strongly Connected Component Analysis in n log n Symbolic Steps
R Bloem, HN Gabow, F Somenzi
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 56-73, 2000
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