David Bryngelsson
David Bryngelsson
CEO, CarbonCloud
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How can the EU climate targets be met? A combined analysis of technological and demand-side changes in food and agriculture
D Bryngelsson, S Wirsenius, F Hedenus, U Sonesson
Food Policy 59, 152-164, 2016
Carbon label at a university restaurant–label implementation and evaluation
F Brunner, V Kurz, D Bryngelsson, F Hedenus
Ecological economics 146, 658-667, 2018
Why large-scale bioenergy production on marginal land is unfeasible: A conceptual partial equilibrium analysis
DK Bryngelsson, K Lindgren
Energy Policy, 2013
Climate metrics and the carbon footprint of livestock products: where’s the beef?
UM Persson, DJA Johansson, C Cederberg, F Hedenus, D Bryngelsson
Environmental Research Letters 10 (3), 034005, 2015
A cobweb model of land-use competition between food and bioenergy crops
L Lundberg, E Jonson, K Lindgren, D Bryngelsson, V Verendel
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 53, 1-14, 2015
How do dietary choices influence the energy-system cost of stabilizing the climate?
D Bryngelsson, F Hedenus, DJA Johansson, C Azar, S Wirsenius
Energies 10 (2), 182, 2017
Scenarier för klimatpåverkan från matkonsumtionen 2050
D Bryngelsson, F Hedenus, J Larsson
Chalmers University of Technology, 2013
The effect of food-price movements on African households
DK Bryngelsson, A Åhlén, C Azar, UM Persson
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 9 (3 …, 2012
A conceptual partial equilibrium model of global agricultural land use
D Bryngelsson, K Lindgren
Land-use competition and agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in a climate change mitigation perspective
D Bryngelsson
PQDT-Global, 2015
Is it possible to avoid bad impacts by using good fuel ethanol?
G Berndes, D Bryngelsson, G Sparovek
Nötkött är den största miljöboven
F Hedenus, D Bryngelsson, J Larsson
Svenska dagbladet, 2013
The effect of food-price movements on African households-An investigation of food production and consumption patterns in four African countries
DK Bryngelsson, A Åhlén, C Azar, UM Persson
Preprint submitted to Food Policy, 2009
Problematizing quantification of indirect land-use change (ILUC) Connected to expanding ethanol production in Brazil
D Bryngelsson, A Åhlén
Policy Strategies for Reducing the Climate Impact of Food and Agriculture
S Wirsenius, F Hedenus, D Bryngelsson
The Meat Crisis, 301-316, 2017
LRF och Svenskt flyg svarar inte om klimatmålen
D Andersson, F Hedenus, A Biel, D Bryngelsson, O Drakenberg, T Gärling, ...
Dagens Nyheter, 2015
Nu krävs kraftfulla åtgärder mot nötkött och flygresor
D Andersson, C Azar, A Biel, D Bryngelsson, O Drakenberg, T Gärling, ...
Dagens Nyheter 2015, 2015
How large are the emissions from Swedish food consumption taday and in 2050?
D Bryngelsson
Spelar ingen större roll om kor äter gräs eller spannmål
F Hedenus, D Bryngelsson, J Larsson
Svenska dagbladet, 2013
On Food Price Implications from Expanded Bioenergy Production
DK Bryngelsson
PQDT-Global, 2012
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