Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Alan MarshallLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 5
Radio frequency fingerprint identification for LoRa using deep learning
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall, L Peng, X Wang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (8), 2604-2616, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Royal Society UK
Experimental and analytical analysis of macro-scale molecular communications within closed boundaries
DT Mcguiness, S Giannoukos, S Taylor, A Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications 5 …, 2019
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Deep learning-powered radio frequency fingerprint identification: Methodology and case study
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall
IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (9), 170-176, 2023
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Engineering and Physical …
Neural correlates of texture perception during active touch
J Henderson, T Mari, A Hopkinson, A Byrne, D Hewitt, A Newton-Fenner, ...
Behavioural Brain Research 429, 113908, 2022
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Security in MIMO-OFDM SWIPT Networks
TM Hoang, A El Shafie, TQ Duong, HD Tuan, A Marshall
2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 48
Towards scalable and channel-robust radio frequency fingerprint identification for LoRa
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall, JR Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 774-787, 2022
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Royal Society UK
Chemical sniffing instrumentation for security applications
S Giannoukos, B Brkić, S Taylor, A Marshall, GF Verbeck
Chemical reviews 116 (14), 8146-8172, 2016
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Radio frequency fingerprint identification for narrowband systems, modelling and classification
J Zhang, R Woods, M Sandell, M Valkama, A Marshall, J Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 3974-3987, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Royal Society UK
A new frontier for IoT security emerging from three decades of key generation relying on wireless channels
J Zhang, G Li, A Marshall, A Hu, L Hanzo
IEEE Access 8, 138406-138446, 2020
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Engineering and Physical …
Cell-free massive MIMO networks: Optimal power control against active eavesdropping
TM Hoang, HQ Ngo, TQ Duong, HD Tuan, A Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (10), 4724-4737, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Radio frequency fingerprint identification for LoRa using spectrogram and CNN
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall, L Peng, X Wang
IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10, 2021
Mandater: Royal Society UK
Channel-envelope differencing eliminates secret key correlation: LoRa-based key generation in low power wide area networks
J Zhang, A Marshall, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (12), 12462-12466, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Molecular communication over gas stream channels using portable mass spectrometry
S Giannoukos, A Marshall, S Taylor, J Smith
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 28 (11), 2371-2383, 2017
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Toward length-versatile and noise-robust radio frequency fingerprint identification
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall, M Valkama, JR Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 18, 2355-2367, 2023
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Engineering and Physical …
Trust-aware consensus-inspired distributed cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
A Vosoughi, JR Cavallaro, A Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 2 (1), 24-37, 2016
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Sdn-based syn proxy—a solution to enhance performance of attack mitigation under tcp syn flood
VT Dang, TT Huong, NH Thanh, PN Nam, NN Thanh, A Marshall
The Computer Journal 62 (4), 518-534, 2019
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Parameter analysis in macro-scale molecular communications using advection-diffusion
DT McGuiness, S Giannoukos, A Marshall, S Taylor
IEEE Access 6, 46706-46717, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Radio frequency fingerprint identification for security in low-cost IoT devices
G Shen, J Zhang, A Marshall, M Valkama, J Cavallaro
2021 55th Asilomar conference on signals, systems, and computers, 309-313, 2021
Mandater: Royal Society UK
A chemical alphabet for macromolecular communications
S Giannoukos, DT McGuiness, A Marshall, J Smith, S Taylor
Analytical chemistry 90 (12), 7739-7746, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Detection and analysis of the Chameleon WiFi access point virus
J Milliken, V Selis, A Marshall
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2013, 1-14, 2013
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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