Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - David BanksLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 3
Chemistry and isotopic composition of Rotliegend and Upper Carboniferous formation waters from the North German Basin
V Lüders, B Plessen, RL Romer, SM Weise, DA Banks, P Hoth, P Dulski, ...
Chemical Geology 276 (3-4), 198-208, 2010
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Geological, geochemical and microthermometric characteristics of the Hakkari region Zn-Pb deposits, SE Turkey
H Hanilçi, Nurullah: Öztürk, D Banks
Ore Geology Reviews 125, 2020
Mandater: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Epigenetic Zn-Pb deposits in Mesozoic basins of the eastern Iberian Peninsula: evidence for the source of fluids from Na-K-Cl-Br systematics
F Grandia, E Cardellach, D Banks, À Canals
Mineral Deposits at the beginning of the 21st century, 133-136, 2022
Mandater: Government of Spain
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 14
The nature of mineralizing fluids of the Kipushi Zn-Cu deposit, Katanga, Democratic Repubic of Congo: Quantitative fluid inclusion analysis using laser ablation ICP-MS and bulk …
W Heijlen, DA Banks, P Muchez, BM Stensgard, BWD Yardley
Economic Geology 103 (7), 1459-1482, 2008
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Hydrothermal dolomitization in a complex geodynamic setting (Lower Palaeozoic, northern Spain)
F Lapponi, T Bechstädt, M Boni, DA Banks, J Schneider
Sedimentology 61 (2), 411-443, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
The origin and composition of carbonatite-derived carbonate-bearing fluorapatite deposits.
S Broom-Fendley, PR Siegfried, F Wall, M O'neill, RA Brooker, EK Fallon, ...
Mineralium Deposita, 2020
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
Hydrothermal formation of heavy rare earth element (HREE)- xenotime deposits at 100oC in a sedimentary basin
L Richter, LW Diamond, P Atanasova, DA Banks, J Gutzmer
Geology 46 (3), 263-266, 2018
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Light rare earth element redistribution during hydrothermal alteration at the Okorusu carbonatite complex, Namibia
D Cangelosi, S Broom-Fendley, D Banks, D Morgan, B Yardley
Mineralogical Magazine, 1-16, 2020
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
No significant boron in the hydrated mantle of most subducting slabs
AM McCaig, SS Titarenko, IP Savov, RA Cliff, D Banks, A Boyce, ...
Nature Communications, 1-10, 2018
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Regional variations in fluid formation and metal sources in MVT mineralization in the Pennine Orefield, UK: Implications from rare earth element and yttrium distribution, Sr-Nd …
MB D. Kramer, S.Viehmann, D. Banks, A.D. Sumoondur, C. Koeberl
Ore Geology Reviews, 960-972, 2019
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
The role of sulfate-rich fluids in Heavy Rare Earth enrichment at the Dashigou carbonatite deposit, Huanglongpu, China
D Cangelosi, M Smith, D Banks, B Yardley
Mineralogical Magazine, 2020
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Sulfur-bearing monazite-(Ce) from the Eureka carbonatite, Namibia: oxidation state, substitution mechanism, and formation conditions
S Broom-Fendley, M Smith, MB Andrade, S Ray, DA Banks, E Loye, ...
Mineralogical Magazine, 1-14, 2020
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The origin, age and duration of hydrothermal alteration associated with iron skarn mineralization determined from clay/phyllosilicate minerals, Bizmişen-Erzincan, East-Central …
O Bozkaya, G Bozkaya, H Yilmaz, D Hozatlıoğlu, D Banks
Ore Geology Reviews, 2019
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Brine-granite interaction and lithium leaching in a continental rift (Soultz-sous-Forêts, Rhine Graben, France)
EJM Dugamin, MC Boiron, M Cathelineau, A Richard, C Peiffert, ...
Lithos 478, 107604, 2024
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The Schlaining quartz-stibnite deposit, Eastern Alps, Austria: constraints from conventional and infrared microthermometry and isotope and crush-leach analyses of fluid inclusions.
M Sosnicka, S de Graaf, G Morteani, DA Banks, S Niedermann, ...
Mineralium Deposita, 2021
Mandater: Helmholtz Association
Metal budget and origin of aqueous brines depositing deep-seated Zn-Pb mineralization linked to hydrocarbon reservoirs, North German Basin
M Sośnicka, V Lüders, F Duschl, D Kraemer, O Laurent, S Niedermann, ...
Mineralium Deposita 58 (6), 1143-1170, 2023
Mandater: Helmholtz Association, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Hypozonal gold mineralisation in shear zone hosted deposits driven by fault valve action and fluid mixing: the Nalunaq deposit, Greenland.
M Smith, D Banks, S Ray, F Bowers
Geological Society of London Special Publications 516, 2021
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
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