Regional impacts of climate change on water resources quantity and quality indicators MA Mimikou, E Baltas, E Varanou, K Pantazis Journal of Hydrology 234 (1-2), 95-109, 2000 | 352 | 2000 |
Spatial distribution of climatic indices in northern Greece E Baltas Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2007 | 285 | 2007 |
Urban flood hazard assessment in the basin of Athens Metropolitan city, Greece GD Bathrellos, E Karymbalis, HD Skilodimou, K Gaki-Papanastassiou, ... Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-14, 2016 | 243 | 2016 |
Determination of the SCS initial abstraction ratio in an experimental watershed in Greece EA Baltas, NA Dervos, MA Mimikou Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 (6), 1825-1829, 2007 | 225 | 2007 |
SWAT parameterization for the identification of critical diffuse pollution source areas under data limitations Y Panagopoulos, C Makropoulos, E Baltas, M Mimikou Ecological modelling 222 (19), 3500-3512, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Quantity and quality integrated catchment modeling under climate change with use of soil and water assessment tool model E Varanou, E Gkouvatsou, E Baltas, M Mimikou Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 7 (3), 228-244, 2002 | 133 | 2002 |
Flood vulnerability assessment using a GIS‐based multi‐criteria approach—The case of Attica region E Feloni, I Mousadis, E Baltas Journal of Flood Risk Management 13, e12563, 2020 | 131 | 2020 |
A robust approach for comparing conventional and sustainable flood mitigation measures in urban basins IM Kourtis, VA Tsihrintzis, E Baltas Journal of environmental Management 269, 110822, 2020 | 87 | 2020 |
A multi-platform hydrometeorological analysis of the flash flood event of 15 November 2017 in Attica, Greece G Varlas, MN Anagnostou, C Spyrou, A Papadopoulos, J Kalogiros, ... Remote Sensing 11 (1), 45, 2018 | 86 | 2018 |
Application of artificial neural networks for flood forecasting DF Lekkas, C Onof, MJ Lee, EA Baltas Global Nest Journal 6 (3), 205-211, 2004 | 83 | 2004 |
Application of the SWAT model in the Pinios river basin under different land-use scenarios M Pikounis, E Varanou, E Baltas, A Dassaklis, M Mimikou Global Nest: the Int. J 5 (2), 71-79, 2003 | 81 | 2003 |
Sensitivity analysis of different evapotranspiration methods using a new sensitivity coefficient VT Ambas, E Baltas Global NEST Journal 14 (3), 335-343, 2012 | 77 | 2012 |
Climate change impacts on the reliability of hydroelectric energy production MA Mimikou, EA Baltas Hydrological Sciences Journal 42 (5), 661-678, 1997 | 76 | 1997 |
Flood forecasting based on radar rainfall measurements MA Mimikou, EA Baltas Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 122 (3), 151-156, 1996 | 73 | 1996 |
Optimal sizing of rainwater harvesting tanks for domestic use in Greece PA Londra, AT Theocharis, E Baltas, VΑ Tsihrintzis Water resources management 29, 4357-4377, 2015 | 69 | 2015 |
Policy for management of water resources in Greece S Sofios, G Arabatzis, E Baltas The Environmentalist 28, 185-194, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
Human implication of changes in the hydrological regime due to climate change in Northern Greece MA Mimikou, SP Kanellopoulou, EA Baltas Global Environmental Change 9 (2), 139-156, 1999 | 55 | 1999 |
Special framework for the spatial planning & the sustainable development of renewable energy sources AE Baltas, AN Dervos Renewable Energy 48, 358-363, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
A scenario-incorporating analysis of the propagation of uncertainty to flash flood simulations F Quintero, D Sempere-Torres, M Berenguer, E Baltas Journal of Hydrology 460, 90-102, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Hydrology and water resource systems analysis MA Mimikou, EA Baltas, VA Tsihrintzis CRC Press, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |