Here for Good: Western Europe's New Ethnic Minorities S Castles, H Booth, T Wallace Pluto Press, 1984 | 1058 | 1984 |
Projections of multi-morbidity in the older population in England to 2035: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) model A Kingston, L Robinson, H Booth, M Knapp, C Jagger, Modem Project Age and ageing 47 (3), 374-380, 2018 | 858 | 2018 |
Applying Lee-Carter under conditions of variable mortality decline H Booth, J Maindonald, L Smith Population Studies 56 (3), 325-336, 2002 | 720 | 2002 |
Mortality modelling and forecasting: A review of methods H Booth, L Tickle Annals of actuarial science 3 (1-2), 3-43, 2008 | 679 | 2008 |
Demographic forecasting: 1980 to 2005 in review H Booth International journal of forecasting 22 (3), 547-581, 2006 | 520 | 2006 |
Lee-Carter mortality forecasting: a multi-country comparison of variants and extensions H Booth, RJ Hyndman, L Tickle, P de Jong Demographic Research 15 (9), 289-310, 2006 | 395 | 2006 |
Coherent mortality forecasting: the product-ratio method with functional time series models RJ Hyndman, H Booth, F Yasmeen Demography 50, 261-283, 2013 | 392 | 2013 |
Stochastic population forecasts using functional data models for mortality, fertility and migration RJ Hyndman, H Booth International Journal of forecasting 24 (3), 323-342, 2008 | 374 | 2008 |
Point and interval forecasts of mortality rates and life expectancy: A comparison of ten principal component methods HL Shang, H Booth, RJ Hyndman Demographic Research 25 (5), 173-214, 2011 | 163 | 2011 |
demography: Forecasting mortality, fertility, migration and population data RJ Hyndman, H Booth, L Tickle, J Maindonald R package version, 1.09-1, 2011 | 150* | 2011 |
Pacific Island suicide in comparative perspective H Booth Journal of biosocial Science 31 (4), 433-448, 1999 | 131 | 1999 |
To ride the storm: the 1980 Bristol 'riot' and the state H Joshua, T Wallace, H Booth Heinemann, 1983 | 131* | 1983 |
Transforming Gompertz's function for fertility analysis: The development of a standard for the relational Gompertz function H Booth Population Studies 38 (3), 495-506, 1984 | 113 | 1984 |
Evaluation of the variants of the Lee-Carter method of forecasting mortality: a multi-country comparison H Booth, L Tickle, L Smith New Zealand Population Review 31 (1), 13-34, 2005 | 111 | 2005 |
The migration process in Britain and West Germany: Two demographic studies of migrant populations H Booth (No Title), 1992 | 96* | 1992 |
The future aged: new projections of Australia's elderly population H Booth, L Tickle Australasian Journal on Ageing 22 (4), 196-202, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Age-time interactions in mortality projection: Applying Lee-Carter to Australia H Booth, J Maindonald, L Smith Working Papers in Demography, 2-28, 2001 | 78 | 2001 |
Cohort profile: the dynamic analyses to optimize ageing (DYNOPTA) project KJ Anstey, JE Byles, MA Luszcz, P Mitchell, D Steel, H Booth, C Browning, ... International Journal of Epidemiology 39 (1), 44-51, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |
Structural and functional social network attributes moderate the association of self-rated health with mental health in midlife and older adults TD Windsor, P Rioseco, KL Fiori, RG Curtis, H Booth International Psychogeriatrics 28 (1), 49-61, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
Britain's black population Runnymede Trust, Radical Statistics (Association). Race Group Heinemann Educational Publishers, 1980 | 63 | 1980 |