Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Davide Di RuscioLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 8
A GNN-based recommender system to assist the specification of metamodels and models
J Di Rocco, C Di Sipio, D Di Ruscio, PT Nguyen
2021 ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2021
Mandater: European Commission
A multinomial naïve bayesian (mnb) network to automatically recommend topics for github repositories
C Di Sipio, R Rubei, D Di Ruscio, PT Nguyen
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
A tool-supported approach for assessing the quality of modeling artifacts
F Basciani, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, L Iovino, A Pierantonio
Journal of Computer Languages 51, 173-192, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
TyphonML: a modeling environment to develop hybrid polystores
F Basciani, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio, L Iovino
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Metamodel deprecation to manage technical debt in model co-evolution
L Iovino, A Di Salle, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2020
Mandater: Government of Italy
Endowing third-party libraries recommender systems with explicit user feedback mechanisms
R Rubei, C Di Sipio, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, PT Nguyen
2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2022
Mandater: European Commission
Advanced discovery mechanisms in model repositories
A Indamutsa, J Di Rocco, L Almonte, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
Software: Practice and Experience 54 (11), 2214-2248, 2024
Mandater: European Commission
9th Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2017)
D Di Ruscio, M Chechik, B Rumpe
2017 IEEE/ACM 9th International Workshop on Modelling in Software …, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 59
Supporting the understanding and comparison of low-code development platforms
A Sahay, A Indamutsa, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Low-code development and model-driven engineering: Two sides of the same coin?
D Di Ruscio, D Kolovos, J de Lara, A Pierantonio, M Tisi, M Wimmer
Software and Systems Modeling 21 (2), 437-446, 2022
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Automated fruit recognition using EfficientNet and MixNet
LT Duong, PT Nguyen, C Di Sipio, D Di Ruscio
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171, 105326, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Focus: A recommender system for mining api function calls and usage patterns
PT Nguyen, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, L Ochoa, T Degueule, M Di Penta
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
Low-code engineering for internet of things: a state of research
F Ihirwe, D Di Ruscio, S Mazzini, P Pierini, A Pierantonio
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE international conference on model driven …, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Lowcomote: Training the next generation of experts in scalable low-code engineering platforms
M Tisi, JM Mottu, DS Kolovos, J De Lara, EM Guerra, D Di Ruscio, ...
STAF 2019 Co-Located Events Joint Proceedings: 1st Junior Researcher …, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
CrossRec: Supporting software developers by recommending third-party libraries
PT Nguyen, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, M Di Penta
Journal of Systems and Software 161, 110460, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Safety for mobile robotic systems: A systematic mapping study from a software engineering perspective
D Bozhinoski, D Di Ruscio, I Malavolta, P Pelliccione, I Crnkovic
Journal of Systems and Software 151, 150-179, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
Translational semantics of a co-evolution specific language with the EMF transformation virtual machine
D Wagelaar, L Iovino, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 5th International Conference …, 2012
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
PostFinder: Mining Stack Overflow posts to support software developers
R Rubei, C Di Sipio, PT Nguyen, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio
Information and Software Technology 127, 106367, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Democratizing the development of recommender systems by means of low-code platforms
C Di Sipio, D Di Ruscio, PT Nguyen
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE international conference on model driven …, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
The MegaM@ Rt2 ECSEL project: MegaModelling at Runtime–Scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems
W Afzal, H Bruneliere, D Di Ruscio, A Sadovykh, S Mazzini, E Cariou, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 61, 86-95, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
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