Dr Twan Stoffers
Dr Twan Stoffers
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Freshwater fish biodiversity restoration in floodplain rivers requires connectivity and habitat heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales
T Stoffers, AD Buijse, GW Geerling, LH Jans, MM Schoor, JJ Poos, ...
Science of the Total Environment 838, 156509, 2022
Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays
CA Simpfendorfer, MR Heithaus, MR Heupel, MA MacNeil, M Meekan, ...
Science 380 (6650), 1155-1160, 2023
30 years of large river restoration: How long do restored floodplain channels remain suitable for targeted rheophilic fishes in the lower river Rhine?
T Stoffers, FPL Collas, AD Buijse, GW Geerling, LH Jans, N Van Kessel, ...
Science of the Total Environment 755, 142931, 2021
Environmental requirements and heterogeneity of rheophilic fish nursery habitats in European lowland rivers: Current insights and future challenges
T Stoffers, AD Buijse, JAJ Verreth, LAJ Nagelkerke
Fish and Fisheries 23 (1), 162-182, 2022
Reviving Europe's rivers: Seven challenges in the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law to restore free‐flowing rivers
T Stoffers, F Altermatt, D Baldan, O Bilous, F Borgwardt, AD Buijse, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 11 (3), e1717, 2024
Acquired versus innate prey capturing skills in super-precocial live-bearing fish
MJ Lankheet, T Stoffers, JL van Leeuwen, BJA Pollux
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1834), 20160972, 2016
Distribution and ontogenetic habitat shifts of reef associated shark species in the northeastern Caribbean
T Stoffers, M de Graaf, HV Winter, LAJ Nagelkerke
Marine Ecology Progress Series 665, 145-158, 2021
Directed conservation of the world’s reef sharks and rays
JS Goetze, MR Heithaus, MA MacNeil, E Harvey, CA Simpfendorfer, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (6), 1118-1128, 2024
Nevengeulen zijn goede kraamkamers voor riviervissen, maar vragen wel om cyclisch beheer
AD Buijse, S van der Lubbe, T Stoffers, LAJ Nagelkerke
Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap 178, 16-19, 2021
Data from: 30 years of large river restoration: how long do restored floodplain channels remain suitable for targeted rheophilic fishes in the lower river Rhine?
T Stoffers, FPL Collas, AD Buijse, GW Geerling, LH Jans, N van Kessel, ...
Wageningen University and Research https://doi. org/10.4121/12999575, 2020
Ontogenetic shifts by juvenile fishes highlight the need for habitat heterogeneity and connectivity in river restoration
T Stoffers, AD Buijse, JJ Poos, JAJ Verreth, LAJ Nagelkerke
Limnology and Oceanography, 2025
Effectief visserijbeheer verdubbelt voordelen voor rifhaaien in beschermde gebieden Wageningen Marine Research
K Fusco, T Stoffers, HV Winter, CBM Leuverink
‘Global swimways’ on free-flowing rivers will protect key migratory fish species
T Stoffers, CA Sayer, A Baratech, F He
Nature 627 (8004), 489-489, 2024
Groeien en overleven in dynamische rivieren
T Stoffers, LAJ Nagelkerke, AD Buijse
Visionair: het vakblad van sportvisserij Nederland 17 (67), 14-17, 2023
Restoring nursery habitats for fishes in the lower River Rhine
LAJ Nagelkerke, T Stoffers, AD Buijse
5th World’s Large Rivers Conference: Status and Future of the World’s Large …, 2023
Habitat shifts in river fishes highlight the importance of heterogeneity to restore fish biodiversity in European rivers
T Stoffers, LAJ Nagelkerke, AD Buijse
5th World’s Large Rivers Conference: Status and Future of the World’s Large …, 2023
The effects of habitat restoration in river floodplains on fish diversity and behaviour
LAJ Nagelkerke, H Guan, B Spierings, T Stoffers
Program and Abstracts IS Rivers: 4th International Conference Integrative …, 2022
Uniek onderzoek in onder meer de Afferdense en Deestse Waarden: Nevengeul is prima kraamkamer voor vis
T Stoffers
Diverse habitats are required for river fish biodiversity restoration
T Stoffers
Herstel van biodiversiteit riviervis vereist diverse habitats
LAJ Nagelkerke, T Stoffers
Nature Today, 2022
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