Reactions induced by the halo nucleus at energies around the Coulomb barrier A Di Pietro, P Figuera, F Amorini, C Angulo, G Cardella, S Cherubini, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (4), 044613, 2004
337 * 2004 One-Neutron Removal Measurement Reveals as a New Doubly Magic Nucleus R Kanungo, C Nociforo, A Prochazka, T Aumann, D Boutin, D Cortina-Gil, ...
Physical review letters 102 (15), 152501, 2009
300 2009 No enhancement of fusion probability by the neutron halo of 6 He R Raabe, JL Sida, JL Charvet, N Alamanos, C Angulo, JM Casandjian, ...
Nature 431 (7010), 823-826, 2004
276 2004 Elastic Scattering and Reaction Mechanisms of the Halo Nucleus <?format ?>around the Coulomb Barrier A Di Pietro, G Randisi, V Scuderi, L Acosta, F Amorini, MJG Borge, ...
Physical review letters 105 (2), 022701, 2010
242 2010 Large enhancement of the sub-barrier fusion probability for a halo nucleus M Trotta, JL Sida, N Alamanos, A Andreyev, F Auger, DL Balabanski, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (11), 2342, 2000
230 2000 MUST: A silicon strip detector array for radioactive beam experiments Y Blumenfeld, F Auger, JE Sauvestre, F Maréchal, S Ottini, N Alamanos, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
215 1999 The reaction at sub-Coulomb energies via the Trojan-horse method C Spitaleri, L Lamia, A Tumino, RG Pizzone, S Cherubini, A Del Zoppo, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 055806, 2004
199 2004 Observation of non-exponential orbital electron capture decays of hydrogen-like 140Pr and 142Pm ions YA Litvinov, F Bosch, N Winckler, D Boutin, HG Essel, T Faestermann, ...
Physics Letters B 664 (3), 162-168, 2008
194 2008 “Trojan horse” method applied to at astrophysical energies C Spitaleri, S Typel, RG Pizzone, M Aliotta, S Blagus, M Bogovac, ...
Physical Review C 63 (5), 055801, 2001
192 2001 CD: A double sided silicon strip detector for radioactive nuclear beam experiments AN Ostrowski, S Cherubini, T Davinson, D Groombridge, AM Laird, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
179 2002 CATS, a low pressure multiwire proportionnal chamber for secondary beam tracking at GANIL S Ottini-Hustache, C Mazur, F Auger, A Musumarra, N Alamanos, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
177 1999 The bare astrophysical S (E) factor of the 7Li (p, α) α reaction M Lattuada, RG Pizzone, S Typel, P Figuera, Đ Miljanić, A Musumarra, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 562 (2), 1076, 2001
173 2001 The new vertical neutron beam line at the CERN n_TOF facility design and outlook on the performance C Weiß, E Chiaveri, S Girod, V Vlachoudis, O Aberle, S Barros, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
159 2015 Nuclear structure studies of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei with the novel large-scale isochronous mass spectrometry at the FRS-ESR facility B Sun, R Knöbel, YA Litvinov, H Geissel, J Meng, K Beckert, F Bosch, ...
Nuclear Physics A 812 (1-4), 1-12, 2008
156 2008 Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERNM Barbagallo, A Musumarra, L Cosentino, E Maugeri, S Heinitz, ...
Physical review letters 117 (15), 152701, 2016
149 2016 Elastic scattering of at near-barrier energies A Pakou, N Alamanos, G Doukelis, A Gillibert, G Kalyva, M Kokkoris, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 054602, 2004
149 2004 Measurement of the and Orbital Electron-Capture Decay Rates <?format ?>in Fully Ionized, Hydrogenlike, and Heliumlike Ions YA Litvinov, F Bosch, H Geissel, J Kurcewicz, Z Patyk, N Winckler, L Batist, ...
Physical review letters 99 (26), 262501, 2007
144 2007 Shell Closure in Viewed through a Neutron Sensitive ProbeE Becheva, Y Blumenfeld, E Khan, D Beaumel, JM Daugas, F Delaunay, ...
Physical review letters 96 (1), 012501, 2006
141 2006 Experimental study of the collision Be + Zn around the Coulomb barrier A Di Pietro, V Scuderi, AM Moro, L Acosta, F Amorini, MJG Borge, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (5), 054607, 2012
135 2012 Probing the 6He halo structure with elastic and inelastic proton scattering A Lagoyannis, F Auger, A Musumarra, N Alamanos, EC Pollacco, ...
Physics Letters B 518 (1-2), 27-33, 2001
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