Hassan-Roland Nasser
Hassan-Roland Nasser
Andre navnRoland Nasser, Hassan Nasser
PhD in Computer Science
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Spatio-temporal spike train analysis for large scale networks using the maximum entropy principle and Monte Carlo method
H Nasser, O Marre, B Cessac
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013 (03), P03006, 2013
PRANAS: a new platform for retinal analysis and simulation
B Cessac, P Kornprobst, S Kraria, H Nasser, D Pamplona, G Portelli, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11, 49, 2017
Diagnostic Superficial Vein Scanner
Y Ayoub, S Serhal, B Farhat, A Ali, J Amatoury, H Nasser, MA Ali
2018 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), 2018
Parameter estimation for spatio-temporal maximum entropy distributions: Application to neural spike trains
H Nasser, B Cessac
Entropy 16 (4), 2244-2277, 2014
Can we detect patterns in behavioral time series of cows using cluster analysis?
J Stachowicz, R Nasser, F Adrion, C Umstätter
Journal of Dairy Science 105 (12), 9971-9981, 2022
ENAS: A new software for spike train analysis and simulation
B Cessac, P Kornprobst, S Kraria, H Nasser, D Pamplona, G Portelli, ...
Bernstein conference, 2016
EnaS: a new software for neural population analysis in large scale spiking networks
H Nasser, S Kraria, B Cessac
BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P57, 2013
Spatio temporal Gibbs distribution analysis of spike trains using Monte Carlo method
H Nasser, O Marre, MJB Ii, B Cessac
AREADNE 2012 Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles, 2012
Spike trains statistics in integrate and fire models: Exact results
B Cessac, H Nasser, JC Vasquez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.5074, 2010
Dendrometer as a water stress indicator for apple trees
T Waldburger, A Walter, M Cockburn, HR Nasser, P Monney, M Hatt, ...
Agricultural Water Management 309, 109326, 2025
Effect of the daily duration of calf contact on the dam's ultra-and circadian activity rhythms
M Schneider, C Umstätter, HR Nasser, E Gallmann, K Barth
JDS Communications, 2024
Parametric estimation of spike train statistics by Gibbs distributions: an application to bio-inspired and experimental data
B Cessac, JC Vasquez, H Nasser, H Rostro-Gonzalez, T Viéville, ...
Cinquième conférence plénière française de Neurosciences Computationnelles …, 2010
Growing cocoa in semi-arid climate and the rhythmicity of stem growth and leaf flushing determined by dendrometers
T Waldburger, T Anken, A Walter, HR Nasser, P Monney, M Cockburn
Heliyon 10 (11), 2024
Vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Einfluss der muttergebundenen Kälberaufzucht auf die ultra-und circadiane Aktivitätsrhythmik von Milchkühen
M Schneider, C Umstätter, HR Nasser, E Gallmann, K Barth
One Step Ahead-einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung …, 2023
Vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Einfluss der muttergebundenen Kälberaufzucht auf die ultra- und circadiane Aktivitätsrhythmik von Milchkühen
BK Schneider M, Umstätter C, Nasser HR, Gallmann E
Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 454-455, 2023
First studies on the influence of mother-bound calf rearing on the circadian rhythm activity of dairy cows
K Schneider, Marie and Umstatter, Christina and Nasser, Hassan-Roland and ...
Wita, 2022
digiRhythm: Analyzing Animal's Rhythmicity
HR Nasser, M Schneider, J Stachowicz, C Umstaetter
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/digiRhythm/index.html, 2022
Zeigen Milchkühe individuelle Tagesmuster bei der Nutzung von Funktionsbereichen im Stall und in ihrer Aktivität
J Stachowicz, F Adrion, RH Nasser, C Umstätter
openagrar, 385, 2021
Detecting behavioural patterns of cows using an automated tracking system
J Stachowicz, F Adrion, HR Nasser, C Umstätter
Annual Meeting of the EAAP, 385, 2021
A New Dumb's Communication System
L Al Tinnawi, R Harb, H Nasser, AJ Zaylaa, L Hamawy
23éme Conférence Scientifique Internationale La Science et la Recherche au …, 2017
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