Karin Landerl
Karin Landerl
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Developmental dyscalculia and basic numerical capacities: A study of 8–9-year-old students
K Landerl, A Bevan, B Butterworth
Cognition 93 (2), 99-125, 2004
Development of word reading fluency and spelling in a consistent orthography: an 8-year follow-up.
K Landerl, H Wimmer
Journal of educational psychology 100 (1), 150, 2008
The impact of orthographic consistency on dyslexia: A German-English comparison
K Landerl, H Wimmer, U Frith
Cognition 63 (3), 315-334, 1997
The double-deficit hypothesis and difficulties in learning to read a regular orthography.
H Wimmer, H Mayringer, K Landerl
Journal of educational psychology 92 (4), 668, 2000
Comorbidity of learning disorders: prevalence and familial transmission
K Landerl, K Moll
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 51 (3), 287-294, 2010
Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity
K Landerl, F Ramus, K Moll, H Lyytinen, PHT Leppänen, K Lohvansuu, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 (6), 686-694, 2013
Dyslexia and dyscalculia: Two learning disorders with different cognitive profiles
K Landerl, B Fussenegger, K Moll, E Willburger
Journal of experimental child psychology 103 (3), 309-324, 2009
Differences in phonological recoding in German-and English-speaking children
U Frith, H Wimmer, K Landerl
Scientific Studies of reading 2 (1), 31-54, 1998
Cognitive mechanisms underlying reading and spelling development in five European orthographies
K Moll, F Ramus, J Bartling, J Bruder, S Kunze, N Neuhoff, S Streiftau, ...
Learning and instruction 29, 65-77, 2014
The relationship of phonemic awareness to reading acquisition: More consequence than precondition but still important
H Wimmer, K Landerl, R Linortner, P Hummer
Cognition 40 (3), 219-249, 1991
Poor reading: A deficit in skill-automatization or a phonological deficit?
H Wimmer, H Mayringer, K Landerl
Scientific studies of reading 2 (4), 321-340, 1998
Phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming as longitudinal predictors of reading in five alphabetic orthographies with varying degrees of consistency
K Landerl, HH Freudenthaler, M Heene, PF De Jong, A Desrochers, ...
Scientific Studies of Reading 23 (3), 220-234, 2019
Deficits in phoneme segmentation are not the core problem of dyslexia: Evidence from German and English children
K Landerl, H Wimmer
Applied psycholinguistics 21 (2), 243-262, 2000
SLRT-II: Lese-und Rechtschreibtest; Weiterentwicklung des Salzburger Lese-und Rechtschreibtests (SLRT)
K Moll, K Landerl
Huber, 2010
Cognitive risk factors for specific learning disorder: Processing speed, temporal processing, and working memory
K Moll, SM Göbel, D Gooch, K Landerl, MJ Snowling
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (3), 272-281, 2016
RAN is not a measure of orthographic processing. Evidence from the asymmetric German orthography
K Moll, B Fussenegger, E Willburger, K Landerl
Scientific Studies of Reading 13 (1), 1-25, 2009
Typical and atypical development of basic numerical skills in elementary school
K Landerl, C Kölle
Journal of experimental child psychology 103 (4), 546-565, 2009
Naming speed in dyslexia and dyscalculia
E Willburger, B Fussenegger, K Moll, G Wood, K Landerl
Learning and individual differences 18 (2), 224-236, 2008
Salzburger Lese-und rechtschreibtest (SLRT)
K Landerl, H Wimmer, E Moser
Verfahren zur Differentialdiagnose von Störungen des Lesens und Schreibens …, 1997
Double dissociation between reading and spelling deficits
K Moll, K Landerl
Scientific studies of reading 13 (5), 359-382, 2009
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