Pablo Ledezma
Pablo Ledezma
Advanced Water Management Centre, The University of Queensland
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Microbial Electrosynthesis of Isobutyric, Butyric, Caproic acids and corresponding Alcohols from Carbon dioxide
I Vassilev, PA Hernandez, P Batlle Vilanova, S Freguia, JO Krömer, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (7), 8485–8493, 2018
Source-separated urine opens golden opportunities for microbial electrochemical technologies
P Ledezma, P Kuntke, CJN Buisman, J Keller, S Freguia
Trends in Biotechnology 33 (4), 214–220, 2015
Waste to real energy: the first MFC powered mobile phone
IA Ieropoulos, P Ledezma, A Stinchcombe, G Papaharalabos, C Melhuish, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (37), 15312-15316, 2013
Recovering Nitrogen as a Solid without Chemical Dosing: Bio-Electroconcentration for Nutrient Recovery from Urine
P Ledezma, J Jermakka, J Keller, S Freguia
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (3), 119-124, 2017
MFC-cascade stacks maximise COD reduction and avoid voltage reversal under adverse conditions
P Ledezma, J Greenman, I Ieropoulos
Bioresource technology 134, 158-165, 2013
The first self-sustainable microbial fuel cell stack
P Ledezma, A Stinchcombe, J Greenman, I Ieropoulos
Physical chemistry chemical physics 15 (7), 2278-2281, 2013
A novel bioelectrochemical system for chemical-free permanent treatment of acid mine drainage
G Pozo, S Pongy, J Keller, P Ledezma, S Freguia
Water Research 126, 411-420, 2017
Microbial electrosynthesis system with dual biocathode arrangement for simultaneous acetogenesis, solventogenesis and carbon chain elongation
I Vassilev, F Kracke, S Freguia, J Keller, JO Kromer, P Ledezma, B Virdis
Chemical Communications 55, 4351-4354, 2019
Electrochemical oxidation processes for PFAS removal from contaminated water and wastewater: fundamentals, gaps and opportunities towards practical implementation
M Veciana, J Bräunig, A Farhat, ML Pype, S Freguia, G Carvalho, J Keller, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 434, 128886, 2022
Oxidised stainless steel: a very effective electrode material for microbial fuel cell bioanodes but at high risk of corrosion
P Ledezma, BC Donose, S Freguia, J Keller
Electrochimica Acta 158, 356-360, 2015
Maximising electricity production by controlling the biofilm specific growth rate in microbial fuel cells
P Ledezma, J Greenman, I Ieropoulos
Bioresource technology 118, 615-618, 2012
Anodic electro-fermentation: Empowering anaerobic production processes via anodic respiration
I Vassilev, NJH Averesch, P Ledezma, M Kokko
Biotechnology Advances 48, 107728, 2021
Self-powered bioelectrochemical nutrient recovery for fertilizer generation from human urine
S Freguia, ME Logrieco, J Monetti, P Ledezma, B Virdis, S Tsujimura
Sustainability 11 (19), 5490, 2019
Methanobacterium enables high rate electricity-driven autotrophic sulfate reduction
G Pozo, L Jourdin, Y Lu, P Ledezma, J Keller, S Freguia
RSC Advances 5 (109), 89368-89374, 2015
Staged electrochemical treatment guided by modelling allows for targeted recovery of metals and rare earth elements from acid mine drainage
ET Brewster, S Freguia, M Edraki, L Berry, P Ledezma
Journal of Environmental Management 275, 111266, 2020
Nutrient Recovery by Bio-Electroconcentration is Limited by Wastewater Conductivity
J Monetti, P Ledezma, B Virdis, S Freguia
ACS Omega 4 (1), 2152-2159, 2019
Optimising nitrogen recovery from reject water in a 3-chamber bioelectroconcentration cell
V Koskue, JM Rinta-Kanto, S Freguia, P Ledezma, M Kokko
Separation and Purification Technology 264, 118428, 2021
Cathodic biofilm activates electrode surface and achieves efficient autotrophic sulfate reduction
G Pozo, L Jourdin, Y Lu, J Keller, P Ledezma, S Freguia
Electrochimica Acta 213, 66-74, 2016
Efficient nitrogen removal and recovery from real digested sewage sludge reject water through electroconcentration
V Koskue, S Freguia, P Ledezma, M Kokko
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (5), 106286, 2021
Electro-concentration for chemical-free nitrogen capture as solid ammonium bicarbonate
J Jermakka, ET Brewster, P Ledezma, S Freguia
Separation and Purification Technology 203, 48-55, 2018
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