Reading fluency and its intervention M Wolf, T Katzir-Cohen The role of fluency in reading competence, assessment, and instruction, 211-238, 2001 | 1375 | 2001 |
Reading fluency: The whole is more than the parts T Katzir, Y Kim, M Wolf, B O’Brien, B Kennedy, M Lovett, R Morris Annals of dyslexia 56, 51-82, 2006 | 350 | 2006 |
The role of reading self-concept and home literacy practices in fourth grade reading comprehension T Katzir, NK Lesaux, YS Kim Reading and Writing 22, 261-276, 2009 | 271 | 2009 |
Neural systems for rapid automatized naming in skilled readers: Unraveling the RAN-reading relationship M Misra, T Katzir, M Wolf, RA Poldrack The Cognitive Neuroscience of Reading, 241-256, 2018 | 205 | 2018 |
The varieties of pathways to dysfluent reading: Comparing subtypes of children with dyslexia at letter, word, and connected text levels of reading T Katzir, YS Kim, M Wolf, R Morris, MW Lovett Journal of learning disabilities 41 (1), 47-66, 2008 | 168 | 2008 |
Applying cognitive neuroscience research to education: The case of literacy T Katzir, J Pare-Blagoev Educational Psychologist 41 (1), 53-74, 2006 | 146 | 2006 |
The effect of presentation mode on children's reading preferences, performance, and self-evaluations DD Golan, M Barzillai, T Katzir Computers & Education 126, 346-358, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
The relationship of spelling recognition, RAN, and phonological awareness to reading skills in older poor readers and younger reading-matched controls T Katzir, Y Kim, M Wolf, B Kennedy, M Lovett, R Morris Reading and Writing 19, 845-872, 2006 | 119 | 2006 |
fMRI of syntactic processing in typically developing children: structural correlates in the inferior frontal gyrus SC Nuñez, M Dapretto, T Katzir, A Starr, J Bramen, E Kan, S Bookheimer, ... Developmental cognitive neuroscience 1 (3), 313-323, 2011 | 109 | 2011 |
Reading self-concept and reading anxiety in second grade children: The roles of word reading, emergent literacy skills, working memory and gender T Katzir, YSG Kim, S Dotan Frontiers in Psychology 9, 1180, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |
The effect of font size on reading comprehension on second and fifth grade children: bigger is not always better T Katzir, S Hershko, V Halamish PloS one 8 (9), e74061, 2013 | 107 | 2013 |
The universal and the unique in dyslexia: A cross-linguistic investigation of reading and reading fluency in Hebrew-and English-speaking children with reading disorders T Katzir, S Shaul, Z Breznitz, M Wolf Reading and Writing 17, 739-768, 2004 | 97 | 2004 |
Lexical inference in L2: Predictive roles of vocabulary knowledge and reading skill beyond reading comprehension A Prior, A Goldina, M Shany, E Geva, T Katzir Reading and Writing 27, 1467-1484, 2014 | 84 | 2014 |
A structural basis for reading fluency: white matter defects in a genetic brain malformation BS Chang, T Katzir, T Liu, K Corriveau, M Barzillai, KA Apse, A Bodell, ... Neurology 69 (23), 2146-2154, 2007 | 81 | 2007 |
Abnormal structural and functional brain connectivity in gray matter heterotopia JA Christodoulou, LM Walker, SN Del Tufo, T Katzir, JDE Gabrieli, ... Epilepsia 53 (6), 1024-1032, 2012 | 78 | 2012 |
Depth of lexical knowledge among bilingual children: The impact of schooling M Schwartz, T Katzir Reading and Writing 25, 1947-1971, 2012 | 77 | 2012 |
Measuring multiple text integration: A review L Primor, T Katzir Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2294, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
The effects of orthographic consistency on reading development: A within and between cross-linguistic study of fluency and accuracy among fourth grade English-and Hebrew … T Katzir, R Schiff, YS Kim Learning and Individual Differences 22 (6), 673-679, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Predicting reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts among Hebrew-speaking readers with and without a reading disability L Primor, ME Pierce, T Katzir Annals of Dyslexia 61, 242-268, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Imaging phonology without print: assessing the neural correlates of phonemic awareness using fMRI T Katzir, M Misra, RA Poldrack Neuroimage 27 (1), 106-115, 2005 | 71 | 2005 |