Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Andrey L. StepanovLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 10
Synthesis of periodic plasmonic microstructures with copper nanoparticles in silica glass by low-energy ion implantation
AL Stepanov, MF Galyautdinov, AB Evlyukhin, VI Nuzhdin, VF Valeev, ...
Applied Physics A 111, 261-264, 2013
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Synthesis and optical properties of silver nanoparticles in ORMOCER
AL Stepanov, R Kiyan, A Ovsianikov, VI Nuzhdin, VF Valeev, YN Osin, ...
Applied Physics A 108, 375-378, 2012
Mandater: German Research Foundation
New approach to the synthesis of porous silicon with silver nanoparticles using ion implantation technique
AL Stepanov, YN Osin, AA Trifonov, VF Valeev, VI Nuzhdin
Nanotechnologies in Russia 9, 163-167, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Laser annealing of silica glass with ion-synthesized copper nanoparticles
AL Stepanov, VF Valeev, VI Nuzhdin, IA Faizrakhmanov
Physics of the Solid State 51, 1912-1918, 2009
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Synthesis of nanostructured yttrium with the use of cluster beams and investigation of the optical and electrical properties of yttrium hydride species
AL Stepanov, U Kreibig, A Reinholdt, IA Faĭzrakhmanov
Physics of the Solid State 51, 1716-1722, 2009
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Fabrication of Metal Dielectric Nanocomposites by Ion Implantation and Characterization by Nonlinear Optics Techniques
AL Stepanov
Metal Nanostructures for Photonics, 159-195, 2019
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund, Royal Society UK
Fabrication of metal nanoparticles in polymers by ion implantation
AL Stepanov
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, 153-162, 2009
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
AL Stepanov
Journal of Optics Research 14 (1/2), 15, 2012
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation
Laser annealing of metal nanoparticles implanted in dielectrics
AL Stepanov, VI Nuzhdin, VF Valeev
Laser Optics 2010 7822, 164-171, 2011
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Laser-based 2D and 3D nanomanufacturing for plasmonic applications
BN Chichkov, R Kiyan, C Reinhardt, S Passinger, A Seidel, A Stepanov
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 6 (1-4), 3-11, 2010
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 22
Nonlinear optical properties of metal nanoparticles in silicate glass
AL Stepanov
Glass Nanocomposites, 165-179, 2016
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in dielectric matrix by ion implantation: a review
AL Stepanov
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 26 (1/2), 1-29, 2010
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Applications of ion implantation for modification of TiO2
AL Stepanov
Rev Adv Mater Sci 30, 150-165, 2012
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation
Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles dispersed in different optically transparent matrices
AI Ryasnyanskiy, B Palpant, S Debrus, U Pal, AL Stepanov
Physics of the solid state 51, 55-60, 2009
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Optical properties of polymer nanocomposites with functionalized nanoparticles
AL Stepanov
Polymer composites with functionalized nanoparticles, 325-355, 2019
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund, Royal Society UK
Study of morphology, magnetic properties, and visible magnetic circular dichroism of Ni nanoparticles synthesized in SiO by ion implantation
IS Edelman, DA Petrov, RD Ivantsov, SM Zharkov, DA Velikanov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (11), 115435, 2013
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation
Optical and AFM study of ion-synthesised silver nanoparticles in thin surface layers of SiO2 glass
VN Popok, AV Gromov, VI Nuzhdin, AL Stepanov
Journal of non-crystalline solids 356 (25-27), 1258-1261, 2010
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Implantation of titanium dioxide with transition metal ions
AL Stepanov, X Xiao, F Ren
Titanium dioxide: applications, synthesis and toxicity 52, 59-83, 2013
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Influence of metal doping on optical properties of Si nanoparticles
AB Evlyukhin, AL Stepanov, AV Dmitriev, AS Akhmanov, VN Bagratashvili, ...
Optics Communications 316, 56-60, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Radiation/annealing-induced structural changes in GexAs40 xS60 glasses as revealed from high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements
TS Kavetskyy, VM Tsmots, AL Stepanov
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics, 310-320, 2012
Mandater: German Research Foundation
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