Temperature sensing using fluorescent nanothermometers F Vetrone, R Naccache, A Zamarrón, A Juarranz de la Fuente, ...
ACS nano 4 (6), 3254-3258, 2010
1607 2010 Synthesis of Colloidal Upconverting NaYF4 Nanocrystals Doped with Er3+ , Yb3+ and Tm3+ , Yb3+ via Thermal Decomposition of Lanthanide Trifluoroacetate … JC Boyer, F Vetrone, LA Cuccia, JA Capobianco
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (23), 7444-7445, 2006
1205 2006 Synthesis of Colloidal Upconverting NaYF4 : Er3+ /Yb3+ and Tm3+ /Yb3+ Monodisperse Nanocrystals JC Boyer, LA Cuccia, JA Capobianco
Nano letters 7 (3), 847-852, 2007
899 2007 Synthesis of ligand-free colloidally stable water dispersible brightly luminescent lanthanide-doped upconverting nanoparticles N Bogdan, F Vetrone, GA Ozin, JA Capobianco
Nano letters 11 (2), 835-840, 2011
878 2011 The active‐core/active‐shell approach: A strategy to enhance the upconversion luminescence in lanthanide‐doped nanoparticles F Vetrone, R Naccache, V Mahalingam, CG Morgan, JA Capobianco
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (18), 2924-2929, 2009
828 2009 Upconverting nanoparticles: assessing the toxicity A Gnach, T Lipinski, A Bednarkiewicz, J Rybka, JA Capobianco
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700 2015 Significance of concentration on the upconversion mechanisms in codoped nanocrystals F Vetrone, JC Boyer, JA Capobianco, A Speghini, M Bettinelli
Journal of Applied Physics 96 (1), 661-667, 2004
654 2004 Colloidal Tm3+ /Yb3+ ‐Doped LiYF4 Nanocrystals: Multiple Luminescence Spanning the UV to NIR Regions via Low‐Energy Excitation V Mahalingam, F Vetrone, R Naccache, A Speghini, JA Capobianco
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491 2009 NIR-to-NIR Two-Photon Excited CaF2 :Tm3+ ,Yb3+ Nanoparticles: Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Highly Penetrating Fluorescence Bio-Imaging NN Dong, M Pedroni, F Piccinelli, G Conti, A Sbarbati, ...
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451 2011 Controlled Synthesis and Water Dispersibility of Hexagonal Phase NaGdF4 :Ho3+ /Yb3+ Nanoparticles R Naccache, F Vetrone, V Mahalingam, LA Cuccia, JA Capobianco
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Nano letters 10 (12), 5109-5115, 2010
381 2010 Concentration-Dependent Near-Infrared to Visible Upconversion in Nanocrystalline and Bulk Y2 O3 :Er3+ F Vetrone, JC Boyer, JA Capobianco, A Speghini, M Bettinelli
Chemistry of materials 15 (14), 2737-2743, 2003
371 2003 Enhancement of Red Emission (4 F9/2 → 4 I15/2 ) via Upconversion in Bulk and Nanocrystalline Cubic Y2 O3 :Er3+ JA Capobianco, F Vetrone, JC Boyer, A Speghini, M Bettinelli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (6), 1181-1187, 2002
363 2002 Lanthanide-Doped Nax ScF3+x Nanocrystals: Crystal Structure Evolution and Multicolor Tuning X Teng, Y Zhu, W Wei, S Wang, J Huang, R Naccache, W Hu, AIY Tok, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (20), 8340-8343, 2012
346 2012 Effect of Yb3+ Codoping on the Upconversion Emission in Nanocrystalline Y2 O3 :Er3+ F Vetrone, JC Boyer, JA Capobianco, A Speghini, M Bettinelli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (5), 1107-1112, 2003
322 2003 Variation of Fluorescence Lifetimes and Judd-Ofelt Parameters between Eu3+ Doped Bulk and Nanocrystalline Cubic Lu2 O3 JC Boyer, F Vetrone, JA Capobianco, A Speghini, M Bettinelli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (52), 20137-20143, 2004
274 2004 Near-Infrared-to-Blue Upconversion in Colloidal BaYF5 :Tm3+ , Yb3+ Nanocrystals F Vetrone, V Mahalingam, JA Capobianco
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