Statistica D Freedman, R Pisani, R Purves, C Borroni McGraw-Hill, 1998 | 3547* | 1998 |
Statistical models: theory and practice D Freedman Cambridge Univ Pr, 2005 | 3253* | 2005 |
Some asymptotic theory for the bootstrap PJ Bickel, DA Freedman The Annals of Statistics 9 (6), 1196-1217, 1981 | 2500 | 1981 |
On the histogram as a density estimator: L 2 theory D Freedman, P Diaconis Probability Theory and Related Fields 57 (4), 453-476, 1981 | 2160 | 1981 |
Bootstrapping regression models DA Freedman The Annals of Statistics, 1218-1228, 1981 | 1594 | 1981 |
Brownian motion and diffusion.(Reprint of the 1971 orig., publ. by Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco) D Freedman New York-Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1983 | 1086* | 1983 |
Rejoinder: On the Consistency of Bayes Estimates P Diaconis, D Freedman The Annals of Statistics 14 (1), 63-67, 1986 | 1046* | 1986 |
On the consistency of Bayes estimates P Diaconis, D Freedman The Annals of Statistics, 1-26, 1986 | 1043 | 1986 |
On tail probabilities for martingales DA Freedman The Annals of Probability 3 (1), 100-118, 1975 | 1001 | 1975 |
Machiavelli and the Gale-Shapley algorithm LE Dubins, DA Freedman The American Mathematical Monthly 88 (7), 485-494, 1981 | 976 | 1981 |
Asymptotics of graphical projection pursuit P Diaconis, D Freedman The Annals of Statistics, 793-815, 1984 | 827 | 1984 |
Iterated random functions P Diaconis, D Freedman SIAM review, 45-76, 1999 | 818 | 1999 |
Statistical models and shoe leather D Freedman Mathematical Social Sciences 18 (2), 192-192, 1989 | 698 | 1989 |
Statistical models and shoe leather DA Freedman Sociological methodology 21 (2), 291-313, 1991 | 695 | 1991 |
On the so-called “Huber sandwich estimator” and “robust standard errors” DA Freedman The American Statistician 60 (4), 299-302, 2006 | 660 | 2006 |
Brownian motion and diffusion D Freedman Springer-Verlag, 1983 | 641* | 1983 |
Bootstrapping a regression equation: Some empirical results DA Freedman, SC Peters Journal of the American Statistical Association, 97-106, 1984 | 629 | 1984 |
A nonstochastic interpretation of reported significance levels D Freedman, D Lane Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 292-298, 1983 | 583 | 1983 |
Finite exchangeable sequences P Diaconis, D Freedman The Annals of Probability, 745-764, 1980 | 576 | 1980 |
As others see us: A case study in path analysis DA Freedman Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 12 (2), 101-128, 1987 | 573 | 1987 |