Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Brad DuchaineLes mer
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Is the Web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from Web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments
L Germine, K Nakayama, BC Duchaine, CF Chabris, G Chatterjee, ...
Psychonomic bulletin & review 19, 847-857, 2012
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, National Health and Medical Research …
Super-recognizers: People with extraordinary face recognition ability
R Russell, B Duchaine, K Nakayama
Psychonomic bulletin & review 16 (2), 252-257, 2009
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Human face recognition ability is specific and highly heritable
JB Wilmer, L Germine, CF Chabris, G Chatterjee, M Williams, E Loken, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 107 (11), 5238-5241, 2010
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Where cognitive development and aging meet: Face learning ability peaks after age 30
LT Germine, B Duchaine, K Nakayama
Cognition 118 (2), 201-210, 2011
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Brain structure links loneliness to social perception
R Kanai, B Bahrami, B Duchaine, A Janik, MJ Banissy, G Rees
Current Biology 22 (20), 1975-1979, 2012
Mandater: Danish Council for Independent Research, Danish National Research Foundation
Face Processing Systems: From Neurons to Real World Social Perception
W Freiwald, B Duchaine, G Yovel
Annual Review of Neuroscience 39 (1), 325-346, 2016
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Human …
Combined TMS and fMRI reveal dissociable cortical pathways for dynamic and static face perception
D Pitcher, B Duchaine, V Walsh
Current Biology 24 (17), 2066-2070, 2014
Mandater: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
The Dartmouth Database of Children’s Faces: Acquisition and validation of a new face stimulus set
KA Dalrymple, J Gomez, B Duchaine
PloS one 8 (11), e79131, 2013
Mandater: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Facial expression recognition as a candidate marker for autism spectrum disorder: how frequent and severe are deficits?
E Loth, L Garrido, J Ahmad, E Watson, A Duff, B Duchaine
Molecular autism 9, 1-11, 2018
Mandater: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Autism Speaks Inc, USA
The anatomic basis of the right face-selective N170 IN acquired prosopagnosia: a combined ERP/fMRI study
KA Dalrymple, I Oruc, B Duchaine, R Pancaroglu, CJ Fox, G Iaria, ...
Neuropsychologia 49 (9), 2553-2563, 2011
Mandater: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Three cases of developmental prosopagnosia from one family: Detailed neuropsychological and psychophysical investigation of face processing
Y Lee, B Duchaine, HR Wilson, K Nakayama
cortex 46 (8), 949-964, 2010
Mandater: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia
KA Dalrymple, L Garrido, B Duchaine
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 10, 10-20, 2014
Mandater: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Greater reliance on the eye region predicts better face recognition ability
J Royer, C Blais, I Charbonneau, K Déry, J Tardif, B Duchaine, F Gosselin, ...
Cognition 181, 12-20, 2018
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
“A room full of strangers every day”: The psychosocial impact of developmental prosopagnosia on children and their families
KA Dalrymple, K Fletcher, S Corrow, R das Nair, JJS Barton, A Yonas, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 77 (2), 144-150, 2014
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, UK …
Two critical and functionally distinct stages of face and body perception
D Pitcher, T Goldhaber, B Duchaine, V Walsh, N Kanwisher
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (45), 15877-15885, 2012
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Use of face information varies systematically from developmental prosopagnosics to super-recognizers
J Tardif, X Morin Duchesne, S Cohan, J Royer, C Blais, D Fiset, ...
Psychological science 30 (2), 300-308, 2019
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Perceptual and anatomic patterns of selective deficits in facial identity and expression processing
CJ Fox, HM Hanif, G Iaria, BC Duchaine, JJS Barton
Neuropsychologia 49 (12), 3188-3200, 2011
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
High-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation enhances perception of facial identity
A Romanska, C Rezlescu, T Susilo, B Duchaine, MJ Banissy
Cerebral Cortex 25 (11), 4334-4340, 2015
Mandater: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust, UK Research …
Local but not long-range microstructural differences of the ventral temporal cortex in developmental prosopagnosia
S Song, L Garrido, Z Nagy, S Mohammadi, A Steel, J Driver, RJ Dolan, ...
Neuropsychologia 78, 195-206, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal …
The role of lateral occipital face and object areas in the face inversion effect
D Pitcher, B Duchaine, V Walsh, G Yovel, N Kanwisher
Neuropsychologia 49 (12), 3448-3453, 2011
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
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