Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Hao ZhangLes mer
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Poseidon: An efficient communication architecture for distributed deep learning on {GPU} clusters
H Zhang, Z Zheng, S Xu, W Dai, Q Ho, X Liang, Z Hu, J Wei, P Xie, ...
2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 17), 181-193, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Geeps: Scalable deep learning on distributed gpus with a gpu-specialized parameter server
H Cui, H Zhang, GR Ganger, PB Gibbons, EP Xing
Proceedings of the eleventh european conference on computer systems, 1-16, 2016
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Alpa: Automating inter-and {Intra-Operator} parallelism for distributed deep learning
L Zheng, Z Li, H Zhang, Y Zhuang, Z Chen, Y Huang, Y Wang, Y Xu, ...
16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2022
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Automatic photo adjustment using deep neural networks
Z Yan, H Zhang, B Wang, S Paris, Y Yu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (2), 1-15, 2016
Mandater: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Symbolic graph reasoning meets convolutions
X Liang, Z Hu, H Zhang, L Lin, EP Xing
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
{AlpaServe}: Statistical multiplexing with model parallelism for deep learning serving
Z Li, L Zheng, Y Zhong, V Liu, Y Sheng, X Jin, Y Huang, Z Chen, H Zhang, ...
17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2023
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Terapipe: Token-level pipeline parallelism for training large-scale language models
Z Li, S Zhuang, S Guo, D Zhuo, H Zhang, D Song, I Stoica
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6543-6552, 2021
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Structured generative adversarial networks
Z Deng, H Zhang, X Liang, L Yang, S Xu, J Zhu, EP Xing
Advances in neural information processing systems 30, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Defense, National Natural Science Foundation of China
A boosting-based spatial-spectral model for stroke patients’ EEG analysis in rehabilitation training
Y Liu, H Zhang, M Chen, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (1 …, 2015
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Autosync: Learning to synchronize for data-parallel distributed deep learning
H Zhang, Y Li, Z Deng, X Liang, L Carin, E Xing
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 906-917, 2020
Mandater: US Department of Defense, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cllms: Consistency large language models
S Kou, L Hu, Z He, Z Deng, H Zhang
Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
DNB: A joint learning framework for deep Bayesian nonparametric clustering
Z Wang, Y Ni, B Jing, D Wang, H Zhang, E Xing
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (12), 7610-7620, 2021
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Amp: Automatically finding model parallel strategies with heterogeneity awareness
D Li, H Wang, E Xing, H Zhang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 6630-6639, 2022
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Ada-Segment: Automated multi-loss adaptation for panoptic segmentation
G Zhang, Y Gao, H Xu, H Zhang, Z Li, X Liang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (4), 3333-3341, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Common spatial-spectral boosting pattern for brain-computer interface
Y Liu, H Zhang, Q Zhao, L Zhang
ECAI 2014, 537-542, 2014
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
On the reducibility of submodular functions
J Mei, H Zhang, BL Lu
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 186-194, 2016
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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