Eric T. Tsakiris
Eric T. Tsakiris
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Hydraulic requirements of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) and a conceptual framework for how they respond to high flows
CR Randklev, MA Hart, JM Khan, ET Tsakiris, CR Robertson
Ecosphere 10 (12), e02975, 2019
Status of the freshwater mussel (Unionidae) communities of the mainstem of the Leon River, Texas
CR Randklev, MS Johnson, ET Tsakiris, J Groce, N Wilkins
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23 (3), 390-404, 2013
A semi-arid river in distress: Contributing factors and recovery solutions for three imperiled freshwater mussels (Family Unionidae) endemic to the Rio Grande basin in North …
CR Randklev, T Miller, M Hart, J Morton, NA Johnson, K Skow, K Inoue, ...
Science of the Total Environment 631, 733-744, 2018
No evidence for observer effects on Lark Sparrow nest survival
MD Jacobson, ET Tsakiris, AM Long, WE Jensen
Journal of Field Ornithology 82 (2), 184-192, 2011
False spike, Quadrula mitchelli (Bivalvia: Unionidae), is not extinct: first account of a live population in over 30 years
CR Randklev, MS Johnson, ET Tsakiris, S Rogers-Oetker, KJ Roe, ...
American Malacological Bulletin 30 (2), 327-328, 2012
Effects of translocation on survival and growth of freshwater mussels within a West Gulf Coastal Plain river system
ET Tsakiris, CR Randklev, A Blair, M Fisher, KW Conway
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (6), 1240-1250, 2017
Effectiveness of a nonlethal method to quantify gamete production in freshwater mussels
ET Tsakiris, CR Randklev, KW Conway
Freshwater Science 35 (3), 958-973, 2016
Is False Spike, Quadrula mitchelli (Bivalvia: Unionidae), extinct? First account of a very recently deceased individual in over thirty years
CR Randklev, ET Tsakiris, MS Johnson, JA Skorupski, LE Burlakova, ...
The Southwestern Naturalist 58 (2), 247-249, 2013
Linking life history strategies and historical baseline information shows effects of altered flow regimes and impoundments on freshwater mussel assemblages
JM Khan, J Dudding, M Hart, E Tsakiris, CR Randklev
Freshwater Biology 65 (11), 1950-1961, 2020
Structural changes in freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) assemblages downstream of Lake Somerville, Texas
ET Tsakiris, CR Randklev
The American Midland Naturalist 175 (1), 120-127, 2016
Freshwater mussels (Unionidae): Central and West Texas Final Report
CR Randklev, N Johnson, TJ Miller, JM Morton, J Dudding, K Skow, ...
USGS Report, 38, 2017
Distribution of extant populations of Quadrula mitchelli (false spike)
CR Randklev, E Tsakiris, RG Howells, J Groce, MS Johnson, J Bergmann, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 37, 199-202, 2013
Abundance and diversity of arthropods in nests of Lark Sparrows (Chondestes grammacus)
ET Tsakiris, MD Jacobson, AM Long, WE Jensen
The Southwestern Naturalist 58 (1), 113-117, 2013
Misidentification of sex for Lampsilis teres, Yellow Sandshell, and its implications for mussel conservation and wildlife management
MC Hess, K Inoue, ET Tsakiris, M Hart, J Morton, J Dudding, ...
Plos one 13 (5), e0197107, 2018
Recent collection of a false spike (Quadrula mitchelli) in the San Saba River, Texas, with comments on habitat use
B Sowards, ET Tsakiris, M Libson, CR Randklev
Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 16 (2), 63-67, 2013
Conservation and management of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae): Reproduction, non-invasive techniques and relocation
ET Tsakiris
Freshwater mussel (Family: Unionidae) data collection in the middle and lower Brazos River
CR Randklev, M Cordova, J Groce, ET Tsakiris, B Sowards
Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, Texas A & M University, 2018
New distributional records for Four rare species of freshwater mussels (family: Unionidae) in Southwestern Louisiana
CR Randklev, J Skorupski, B Lundeen, ET Tsakiris
The Southwestern Naturalist 58 (2), 268-273, 2013
First account of a living population of False Spike, Quadrula mitchelli (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in the Guadalupe River, Texas
CR Randklev, MS Johnson, ET Tsakiris, SR Oetker, KJ Roe, JL Harris, ...
Ellipsaria 13, 17-19, 2011
Freshwater mussel survey (Family: Unionidae) of the lower Sabine River between US Hwy 190 and Orange, Texas
CR Randklev, M Cordova, J Groce, E Tsakiris, B Sowards
Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, Texas A & M University, 2018
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