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The Symbiodinium kawagutii genome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis S Lin, S Cheng, B Song, X Zhong, X Lin, W Li, L Li, Y Zhang, H Zhang, Z Ji, ... Science 350 (6261), 691-694, 2015 | 482 | 2015 |
S-RNase uptake by compatible pollen tubes in gametophytic self-incompatibility DT Luu, X Qin, D Morse, M Cappadocia Nature 407 (6804), 649-651, 2000 | 305 | 2000 |
A nuclear-encoded form II RuBisCO in dinoflagellates D Morse, P Salois, P Markovic, JW Hastings Science 268 (5217), 1622-1624, 1995 | 305 | 1995 |
Circadian regulation of bioluminescence in Gonyaulax involves translational control. D Morse, PM Milos, E Roux, JW Hastings Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (1), 172-176, 1989 | 242 | 1989 |
Two circadian oscillators in one cell T Roenneberg, D Morse Nature 362 (6418), 362-364, 1993 | 232 | 1993 |
Hypervariable domains of self-incompatibility RNases mediate allele-specific pollen recognition. DP Matton, O Maes, G Laublin, Q Xike, C Bertrand, D Morse, ... The Plant Cell 9 (10), 1757-1766, 1997 | 231 | 1997 |
Phenotypic rescue of a peripheral clock genetic defect via SCN hierarchical dominance MP Pando, D Morse, N Cermakian, P Sassone-Corsi Cell 110 (1), 107-117, 2002 | 226 | 2002 |
No Circadian Rhythms in Testis: Period1 Expression Is Clock Independent and Developmentally Regulated in the Mouse D Morse, N Cermakian, S Brancorsini, M Parvinen, P Sassone-Corsi Molecular endocrinology 17 (1), 141-151, 2003 | 203 | 2003 |
Structure of dinoflagellate luciferin and its enzymic and nonenzymic air-oxidation products H Nakamura, Y Kishi, O Shimomura, D Morse, JW Hastings Journal of the American Chemical Society 111 (19), 7607-7611, 1989 | 189 | 1989 |
Putting the N in dinoflagellates S Dagenais-Bellefeuille, D Morse Frontiers in microbiology 4, 369, 2013 | 183 | 2013 |
Molecular cloning and genomic organization of a gene for luciferin-binding protein from the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra. DH Lee, M Mittag, S Sczekan, D Morse, JW Hastings Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (12), 8842-8850, 1993 | 145 | 1993 |
Production of an S RNase with Dual Specificity Suggests a Novel Hypothesis for the Generation of New S Alleles DP Matton, DT Luu, Q Xike, G Laublin, M O'Brien, O Maes, D Morse, ... The Plant Cell 11 (11), 2087-2097, 1999 | 138 | 1999 |
Plastid ultrastructure defines the protein import pathway in dinoflagellates N Nassoury, M Cappadocia, D Morse Journal of Cell Science 116 (14), 2867-2874, 2003 | 137 | 2003 |
Time after time: inputs to and outputs from the mammalian circadian oscillators D Morse, P Sassone-Corsi TRENDS in Neurosciences 25 (12), 632-637, 2002 | 131 | 2002 |
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Structure and organization of the peridinin-chlorophyll a-binding protein gene in Gonyaulax polyedra QH Le, P Markovic, JW Hastings, RVM Jovine, D Morse Molecular and General Genetics MGG 255, 595-604, 1997 | 117 | 1997 |
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Circadian changes in ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase distribution inside individual chloroplasts can account for the rhythm in dinoflagellate carbon fixation N Nassoury, L Fritz, D Morse The Plant Cell 13 (4), 923-934, 2001 | 106 | 2001 |
The circadian bioluminescence rhythm of Gonyaulax is related to daily variations in the number of light-emitting organelles L Fritz, D Morse, JW Hastings Journal of Cell Science 95 (2), 321-328, 1990 | 102 | 1990 |