An evolutionary theory of economic change RR Nelson, SG Winter harvard university press, 1985 | 55587 | 1985 |
Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities M Zollo, SG Winter Organization science 13 (3), 339-351, 2002 | 11620 | 2002 |
Understanding dynamic capabilities SG Winter Strategic management journal 24 (10), 991-995, 2003 | 8999 | 2003 |
Dynamic capabilities: Understanding strategic change in organizations CE Helfat, S Finkelstein, W Mitchell, M Peteraf, H Singh, D Teece, ... John Wiley & Sons, 2009 | 6820 | 2009 |
Appropriating the returns from industrial research and development RC Levin, AK Klevorick, RR Nelson, SG Winter, R Gilbert, Z Griliches Brookings papers on economic activity 1987 (3), 783-831, 1987 | 5942 | 1987 |
Knowledge and competence as strategic assets SG Winter The strategic management of intellectual capital, 165-187, 2009 | 4573 | 2009 |
In search of useful theory of innovation RR Nelson, SG Winter Research policy 6 (1), 36-76, 1977 | 4197 | 1977 |
Эволюционная теория экономических изменений РР Нельсон, СД Уинтер Дело, Русия, 2002 | 3095 | 2002 |
The nature and dynamics of organizational capabilities G Dosi, RR Nelson, SG Winter Oxford university press, 2000 | 2694 | 2000 |
Understanding corporate coherence: Theory and evidence DJ Teece, R Rumelt, G Dosi, S Winter Journal of economic behavior & organization 23 (1), 1-30, 1994 | 2527 | 1994 |
On the sources and significance of interindustry differences in technological opportunities AK Klevorick, RC Levin, RR Nelson, SG Winter Research policy 24 (2), 185-205, 1995 | 2245 | 1995 |
Optimal price policy under atomistic competition ES Phelps, SG Winter Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, 309-337, 1970 | 2235* | 1970 |
Untangling dynamic and operational capabilities: Strategy for the (N) ever‐changing world CE Helfat, SG Winter Strategic management journal 32 (11), 1243-1250, 2011 | 2089 | 2011 |
Replication as strategy SG Winter, G Szulanski Organization science 12 (6), 730-743, 2001 | 2035 | 2001 |
The satisficing principle in capability learning SG Winter Strategic management journal 21 (10‐11), 981-996, 2000 | 2026 | 2000 |
Evolutionary theorizing in economics RR Nelson, SG Winter Journal of economic perspectives 16 (2), 23-46, 2002 | 1998 | 2002 |
Schumpeterian competition in alternative technological regimes SG Winter Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 5 (3-4), 287-320, 1984 | 1896 | 1984 |
The Schumpeterian tradeoff revisited RR Nelson, SG Winter The American economic review 72 (1), 114-132, 1982 | 1615 | 1982 |
The nature of the firm: origins, evolution, and development OE Williamson, SG Winter Oxford University Press, 1993 | 1345 | 1993 |
Economic'natural selection'and the theory of the firm SG Winter Jr Yale University, 1964 | 1288 | 1964 |