Felix Reidl
Felix Reidl
Senior Lecturer, Birkbeck University
Verifisert e-postadresse på dcs.bbk.ac.uk
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Linear kernels and single-exponential algorithms via protrusion decompositions
EJ Kim, A Langer, C Paul, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, I Sau, S Sikdar
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 12 (2), 1-41, 2015
A faster parameterized algorithm for treedepth
F Reidl, P Rossmanith, FS Villaamil, S Sikdar
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 931-942, 2014
Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes
J Gajarský, P Hliněný, J Obdržálek, S Ordyniak, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, ...
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 84, 219-242, 2017
Kernelization and sparseness: the case of dominating set
PG Drange, MS Dregi, FV Fomin, S Kreutzer, D Lokshtanov, M Pilipczuk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.4575, 2014
Structural sparsity of complex networks: Bounded expansion in random models and real-world graphs
ED Demaine, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, FS Villaamil, S Sikdar, BD Sullivan
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 105, 199-241, 2019
Practical algorithms for MSO model-checking on tree-decomposable graphs
A Langer, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, S Sikdar
Computer Science Review 13, 39-74, 2014
Characterising bounded expansion by neighbourhood complexity
F Reidl, FS Villaamil, K Stavropoulos
European Journal of Combinatorics 75, 152-168, 2019
Exploring neighborhoods in large metagenome assembly graphs using spacegraphcats reveals hidden sequence diversity
CT Brown, D Moritz, MP O’Brien, F Reidl, T Reiter, BD Sullivan
Genome biology 21, 1-16, 2020
Zig-zag numberlink is NP-complete
A Adcock, ED Demaine, ML Demaine, MP O'Brien, F Reidl, FS Villaamil, ...
Journal of Information Processing 23 (3), 239-245, 2015
Evaluation of an MSO-solver
A Langer, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, S Sikdar
2012 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2012
A practical fpt algorithm for Flow Decomposition and transcript assembly
K Kloster, P Kuinke, MP O'Brien, F Reidl, FS Villaamil, BD Sullivan, ...
2018 Proceedings of the Twentieth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2018
Structural sparseness and complex networks
F Reidl, P Rossmanith, J Nešetril
Fachgruppe Informatik, 2016
Empirical evaluation of approximation algorithms for generalized graph coloring and uniform quasi-wideness
W Nadara, M Pilipczuk, R Rabinovich, F Reidl, S Siebertz
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 24, 1-34, 2019
Fast biclustering by dual parameterization
PG Drange, F Reidl, FS Villaamil, S Sikdar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.08158, 2015
Hyperbolicity, degeneracy, and expansion of random intersection graphs
M Farrell, TD Goodrich, N Lemons, F Reidl, F Sánchez Villaamil, ...
Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: 12th International Workshop, WAW …, 2015
Designing deterministic polynomial-space algorithms by color-coding multivariate polynomials
G Gutin, F Reidl, M Wahlström, M Zehavi
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 95, 69-85, 2018
Width, depth, and space: Tradeoffs between branching and dynamic programming
LH Chen, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, F Sánchez Villaamil
Algorithms 11 (7), 98, 2018
Exploring neighborhoods in large metagenome assembly graphs reveals hidden sequence diversity
CT Brown, D Moritz, MP O’Brien, F Reidl, T Reiter, BD Sullivan
BioRxiv, 462788, 2018
Hierarchical clustering for real-time stream data with noise
P Kranen, F Reidl, F Sanchez Villaamil, T Seidl
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 23rd International …, 2011
A general kernelization technique for domination and independence problems in sparse classes
C Einarson, F Reidl
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.09028, 2020
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