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109 2013 Thermal conductivity as a metric for the crystalline quality of SrTiO3 epitaxial layers DW Oh, J Ravichandran, CW Liang, W Siemons, B Jalan, CM Brooks, ...
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90 2011 High-temperature thermoelectric response of double-doped epitaxial films J Ravichandran, W Siemons, DW Oh, JT Kardel, A Chari, H Heijmerikx, ...
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5 2021 Numerical Study on Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution and Thermal Performance of Plate Heat Exchanger J Ham, G Lee, D Oh, H Cho
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5 2021 Analysis of the thermal performance of a flat-plate type rotary regenerator depending on the matrix material TT Ngo, NV Nguyen, DW Oh
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