Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Johan ThunbergLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 5
Distributed high-gain attitude synchronization using rotation vectors
W Song, J Thunberg, X Hu, Y Hong
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 28 (2), 289-304, 2015
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Distributed attitude synchronization using backstepping and sliding mode control
J Thunberg, W Song, Y Hong, X Hu
Control Theory and Technology 12, 48-55, 2014
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Cooperation for Ethical Autonomous Driving
G Sidorenko, J Thunberg, A Vinel
2024 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2024
Mandater: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, European Commission
Integration of sparse electrophysiological measurements with preoperative MRI using 3D surface estimation in deep brain stimulation surgery
A Husch, P Gemmar, J Thunberg, F Hertel
Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and …, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Attitude consensus using networks of uncalibrated cameras
J Thunberg, X Hu
Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 1444-1451, 2014
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 39
Distributed attitude synchronization control of multi-agent systems with switching topologies
J Thunberg, W Song, E Montijano, Y Hong, X Hu
Automatica 50 (3), 832-840, 2014
Mandater: Swedish Research Council, Government of Spain
Almost Global Consensus on the n-Sphere
J Markdahl, J Thunberg, J Gonçalves
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Vehicle-to-vehicle communications for platooning: Safety analysis
J Thunberg, N Lyamin, K Sjöberg, A Vinel
IEEE Networking Letters 1 (4), 168-172, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
Shape-aware surface reconstruction from sparse 3D point-clouds
F Bernard, L Salamanca, J Thunberg, A Tack, D Jentsch, H Lamecker, ...
Medical image analysis 38, 77-89, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund, Federal Ministry of Education and …
Safety of automatic emergency braking in platooning
G Sidorenko, J Thunberg, K Sjöberg, A Fedorov, A Vinel
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (3), 2319-2332, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Vinnova, Sweden, Knowledge Foundation, Sweden
Hippi: Higher-order projected power iterations for scalable multi-matching
F Bernard, J Thunberg, P Swoboda, C Theobalt
Proceedings of the ieee/cvf international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Mandater: European Commission
Epipolar visual servoing for multirobot distributed consensus
E Montijano, J Thunberg, X Hu, C Saguees
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (5), 1212-1225, 2013
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Distributed attitude synchronization control
J Thunberg, E Montijano, X Hu
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and european control …, 2011
Mandater: Swedish Research Council, Government of Spain
A lifting method for analyzing distributed synchronization on the unit sphere
J Thunberg, J Markdahl, F Bernard, J Goncalves
Automatica 96, 253-258, 2018
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Synchronisation of partial multi-matchings via non-negative factorisations
F Bernard, J Thunberg, J Goncalves, C Theobalt
Pattern Recognition 92, 146-155, 2019
Mandater: European Commission, Luxembourg National Research Fund
Isometric multi-shape matching
M Gao, Z Lahner, J Thunberg, D Cremers, F Bernard
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Mandater: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
Linear dynamic network reconstruction from heterogeneous datasets
Z Yue, J Thunberg, W Pan, L Ljung, J Gonçalves
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10586-10591, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Unreliable V2X communication in cooperative driving: Safety times for emergency braking
J Thunberg, D Bischoff, FA Schiegg, T Meuser, A Vinel
IEEE Access 9, 148024-148036, 2021
Mandater: German Research Foundation, Vinnova, Sweden, Knowledge Foundation, Sweden
Finite-time attitude synchronization with distributed discontinuous protocols
J Wei, S Zhang, A Adaldo, J Thunberg, X Hu, KH Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (10), 3608-3615, 2018
Mandater: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication for safe and fuel-efficient platooning
G Sidorenko, J Thunberg, K Sjöberg, A Vinel
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 795-802, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
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