Ultralow surface recombination of c-Si substrates passivated by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposited Al2O3 B Hoex, SBS Heil, E Langereis, MCM Van de Sanden, WMM Kessels
Applied physics letters 89 (4), 2006
973 2006 On the c-Si surface passivation mechanism by the negative-charge-dielectric Al2O3 B Hoex, JJH Gielis, MCM Van de Sanden, WMM Kessels
Journal of Applied physics 104 (11), 2008
759 2008 Silicon surface passivation by atomic layer deposited Al2O3 B Hoex, J Schmidt, P Pohl, MCM Van de Sanden, WMM Kessels
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (4), 2008
639 2008 Surface passivation of high‐efficiency silicon solar cells by atomic‐layer‐deposited Al2 O3 J Schmidt, A Merkle, R Brendel, B Hoex, MCM de Sanden, WMM Kessels
Progress in photovoltaics: research and applications 16 (6), 461-466, 2008
623 2008 Black silicon: fabrication methods, properties and solar energy applications X Liu, PR Coxon, M Peters, B Hoex, JM Cole, DJ Fray
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (10), 3223-3263, 2014
605 2014 Excellent passivation of highly doped p-type Si surfaces by the negative-charge-dielectric Al2O3 B Hoex, J Schmidt, R Bock, PP Altermatt, MCM Van De Sanden, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (11), 2007
539 2007 High efficiency n-type Si solar cells on Al2O3-passivated boron emitters J Benick, B Hoex, MCM Van De Sanden, WMM Kessels, O Schultz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (25), 2008
505 2008 Dielectric surface passivation for silicon solar cells: A review RS Bonilla, B Hoex, P Hamer, PR Wilshaw
physica status solidi (a) 214 (7), 1700293, 2017
340 2017 Stability of Al2O3 and Al2O3/a-SiNx: H stacks for surface passivation of crystalline silicon G Dingemans, P Engelhart, R Seguin, F Einsele, B Hoex, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (11), 2009
219 2009 Negative charge and charging dynamics in Al2O3 films on Si characterized by second-harmonic generation JJH Gielis, B Hoex, MCM Van De Sanden, WMM Kessels
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (7), 2008
193 2008 Optimised antireflection coatings using silicon nitride on textured silicon surfaces based on measurements and multidimensional modelling S Duttagupta, F Ma, B Hoex, T Mueller, AG Aberle
Energy procedia 15, 78-83, 2012
192 2012 Excellent c-Si surface passivation by low-temperature atomic layer deposited titanium oxide B Liao, B Hoex, AG Aberle, D Chi, CS Bhatia
Applied Physics Letters 104 (25), 2014
168 2014 A fill factor loss analysis method for silicon wafer solar cells A Khanna, T Mueller, RA Stangl, B Hoex, PK Basu, AG Aberle
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3 (4), 1170-1177, 2013
167 2013 Cd-Free Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 solar cell with an efficiency greater than 10% enabled by Al 2 O 3 passivation layers X Cui, K Sun, J Huang, JS Yun, CY Lee, C Yan, H Sun, Y Zhang, C Xue, ...
Energy & environmental science 12 (9), 2751-2764, 2019
156 2019 Surface passivation of phosphorus‐diffused n+ ‐type emitters by plasma‐assisted atomic‐layer deposited Al2 O3 B Hoex, MCM Van de Sanden, J Schmidt, R Brendel, WMM Kessels
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 6 (1), 4-6, 2012
105 2012 The role of hydrogenation and gettering in enhancing the efficiency of next‐generation Si solar cells: An industrial perspective B Hallam, D Chen, M Kim, B Stefani, B Hoex, M Abbott, S Wenham
physica status solidi (a) 214 (7), 1700305, 2017
103 2017 Broken metal fingers in silicon wafer solar cells and PV modules P Chaturvedi, B Hoex, TM Walsh
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 108, 78-81, 2013
103 2013 Acceleration and mitigation of carrier‐induced degradation in p‐type multi‐crystalline silicon DNR Payne, CE Chan, BJ Hallam, B Hoex, MD Abbott, SR Wenham, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 10 (3), 237-241, 2016
100 2016 Enhanced Heterojunction Interface Quality To Achieve 9.3% Efficient Cd-Free Cu2 ZnSnS4 Solar Cells Using Atomic Layer Deposition ZnSnO Buffer Layer X Cui, K Sun, J Huang, CY Lee, C Yan, H Sun, Y Zhang, F Liu, ...
Chemistry of materials 30 (21), 7860-7871, 2018
99 2018 Absolute densities of N and excited in a plasma S Agarwal, B Hoex, MCM Van de Sanden, D Maroudas, ES Aydil
Applied physics letters 83 (24), 4918-4920, 2003
95 2003