Roman Romashko
Roman Romashko
Andre navnR.V. Romashko, Roman V. Romashko, Р. В. Ромашко
Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS
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A new look at the essence of the imaging photoplethysmography
AA Kamshilin, E Nippolainen, IS Sidorov, PV Vasilev, NP Erofeev, ...
Scientific reports 5, 10494, 2015
Adaptive interferometry with photorefractive crystals
AA Kamshilin, RV Romashko, YN Kulchin
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (3), 031101, 2009
Label-Free Biosensors for Laboratory-Based Diagnostics of Infections: Current Achievements and New Trends
BG Andryukov, NN Besednova, RV Romashko, TS Zaporozhets, ...
Biosensors 10 (2), 11, 2020
Fast adaptive interferometer on dynamic reflection hologram in CdTe: V
SD Girolamo, AA Kamshilin, RV Romashko, YN Kulchin, JC Launay
Optics express 15 (2), 545-555, 2007
Fiber-optic seismometer on the basis of Mach-Zehnder interferometer
OT Kamenev, YN Kulchin, YS Petrov, RV Khiznyak, RV Romashko
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 244, 133-137, 2016
Спектральная зависимость фотоиндуцированного поглощения, наведенного в кристалле Bi12TiO20 импульсным излучением с длиной волны 532 нм
АЛ Толстик, АЮ Матусевич, МГ Кистенева, СМ Шандаров, СИ Иткин, ...
Квантовая электроника 37 (11), 1027-1032, 2007
Detecting acoustic-emission signals with fiber-optic interference transducers
OV Bashkov, RV Romashko, VI Zaikov, SV Panin, MN Bezruk, K Khun, ...
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 53 (6), 415-421, 2017
Origin of Infrared Light Modulation in Reflectance-Mode Photoplethysmography
IS Sidorov, RV Romashko, VT Koval, R Giniatullin, AA Kamshilin
PloS one 11 (10), e0165413, 2016
Orthogonal geometry of wave interaction in a photorefractive crystal for linear phase demodulation
S Di Girolamo, RV Romashko, YN Kulchin, AA Kamshilin
Optics Communications 283 (1), 128-131, 2010
Photorefractive vectorial wave mixing in different geometries
RV Romashko, S Di Girolamo, YN Kulchin, AA Kamshilin
JOSA B 27 (2), 311-317, 2010
Адаптивные методы обработки спекл-модулированных оптических полей
ЮН Кульчин, ОБ Витрик, АА Камшилин, РВ Ромашко
М.: Физматлит, 2009
Intraoperative Imaging of Cortical Blood Flow by Camera-Based Photoplethysmography at Green Light
OV Mamontov, AV Shcherbinin, RV Romashko, AA Kamshilin
Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6192, 2020
Динамические голограммы Денисюка в кубических фоторефрактивных кристаллах
СМ Шандаров, НИ Буримов, ЮН Кульчин, РВ Ромашко, АЛ Толстик, ...
Квантовая электроника 38 (11), 1059-1069, 2008
Influence of a skin status on the light interaction with dermis
AA Kamshilin, OV Mamontov, VT Koval, GA Zayats, RV Romashko
Biomedical Optics Express 6 (11), 4326-4334, 2015
Dynamic Denisyuk holograms in cubic photorefractive crystals
SM Shandarov, NI Burimov, YN Kul'chin, RV Romashko, AL Tolstik, ...
Quantum Electronics 38 (11), 1059-1069, 2008
Sensing of multimode-fiber strain by a dynamic photorefractive hologram
S Di Girolamo, AA Kamshilin, RV Romashko, YN Kulchin, JC Launay
Optics letters 32 (13), 1821-1823, 2007
Fast photogalvanic response of a Bi 12 SiO 20 crystal
RV Romashko, AI Grachev, YN Kulchin, AA Kamshilin
Optics express 18 (26), 27142-27154, 2010
Six-channel adaptive fibre-optic interferometer
RV Romashko, MN Bezruk, AA Kamshilin, YN Kulchin
Quantum Electronics 42 (6), 551, 2012
Spectral dependence of absorption photoinduced in a Bi12TiO20 crystal by 532-nm laser pulses
AL Tolstik, AY Matusevich, MG Kisteneva, SM Shandarov, SI Itkin, ...
Quantum electronics 37 (11), 1027, 2007
Holographic Neural Network for Processing Signals of Distributed Optical Fiber Measuring Networks with the Tomographic Principle of Data Gathering
Y Kulchin, O Vitrik, Y Petrov, O Kirichenko, O Kamenev, R Romashko, ...
Optical Memory and Neural Networks 6 (2), 149, 1997
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